I'm having a major problem with my laptop's Intel (R) HD graphics 4000 drivers. Order of events: - purchased a new game, which suggested that I update my video cards - I used the automatic windows driver update system for my Invidia and intel graphics hardware - Upon re-starting the ...
intel hd 4000. my display driver version is, and the last update on the manufacturer's website was back in 2013. i've noticed plenty of graphics problems and I'm trying to update the drivers... went here: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect/...
【求助】关于Inte..本人小白~特向本吧各路大神求助~本人电脑是华硕超极本S400,显卡就是这个万年坑爹的HD 4000集显,最近想玩点游戏,下了个英雄连,画面极卡,下了个星际2,画面极卡,近日想踢两把球,下了个实况10,
Intel HD Graphics 4000属于CPU自带的集成显卡,其性能水平大致相当于最不理想的GT610和GT620级别的显卡。因此,从性能角度来看,这款显卡确实显得比较低级。尽管如此,对于日常使用来说,Intel HD Graphics 4000还是能够满足观看高清视频的需求。不过,如果你对图形处理有较高的要求,比如游戏或者专业软件,...
Intel HD Graphics 4000显卡是一款不错的集成显卡,性能相对较好。详细解释如下:Intel HD Graphics 4000是Intel第二代智能处理器的一部分,即“Sandy Bridge”架构处理器集成的图形处理单元。相比于早期的集成显卡,它在性能上有了明显的提升。这款显卡支持DirectX 11,能够提供更好的图像质量和...
Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000 Currently I have a driver installed from my manufacturers website: http://support.asus.com/download.aspx?SLanguage=en&m=N56VZ&os=30 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download N56VZ 1. I've tried to update the driver to the newest one which is: ...
I also have an Asus ux31a with intel hd 4000 graphics driver and bad resolution after windows 10 anniversary update. had the same problems after migrating from windows 8 to 10. problems were solved after the 2015 driver upgrade. now problems are back. i Will keep on waiting for in...
I have Intel HD Graphics 400 version ...is it safe or necessary to install the new version and if so is it Notebook specs are System Model HP Laptop 15-bs0xxSystem Type x64-based PCSystem SKU 2CQ68EA#ABUProcessor Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3060...
HD Graphics 4000是一款由英特尔公司开发的集成显卡。它配备在Intel Core i5-3570K及以上级别的CPU上,是Intel第三代酷睿处理器(Ivy Bridge架构)所配备的集成显卡。这款显卡支持DirectX 11、OpenGL 4.0等图形技术,为使用者提供了良好的图形性能。它适用于一般办公任务和轻度游戏,能够满足大部分日常使用...
总体来说,Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000更适合那些不需要高性能图形处理能力的用户。如果你的使用场景主要涉及日常办公和轻度娱乐,它能够满足你的需求。但在追求更高游戏体验或专业图形处理方面,它的表现可能并不出色。集成显卡的一个优点是节省了独立显卡所需的额外空间和电力,减少了散热需求。然而,这也...