在Windows 7* 中手動安裝Intel® Graphics Driver 如何在 Windows® 10 和 Windows 11* 中將驅動程式回復到以前的版本 如何在 Windows 8.1* 中安裝Intel® Graphics Driver 偵測到的電腦製造商顯示晶片驅動程式 為什麼要更新顯示晶元驅動程式? 相關產品 ...
方法1:手動識別您的Intel® Graphics Driver 透過右鍵按下Windows開始圖示 開啟裝置管理員。選擇設備管理員將其打開。 如果系統提示您輸入使用者帳戶控制的許可權,請按下「是」。 展開「顯示適配器」區段,然後在您的 Intel® 顯示適配器上按下滑鼠右鍵。根據您的系統配置,您可能有一個或多個適配卡。選取「 內...
Question for tech support, can you do something with driver searching. Right now last driver for HD 4400 and Windows 10 32bit 11/20/2015 and this is not true.. Try yourself https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/81497/Intel-HD-Graphics-4400 https://downloadcenter.intel.com...
驱动精灵提供戴尔Intel HD 3000/4000 Graphics Driver显卡驱动9.17.10.2867, A03版下载,适用于win10,win8,一键解决戴尔Intel HD 3000/4000 Graphics Driver显卡驱动的下载、修复、安装、更新、升级、备份。
Download latest Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel drivers for Windows 10, 11, 7, 8 / 8.1, Vista, XP. Only official versions!
Windows 10, 64-bit and 32-bit Windows 8.1, 64-bit and 32-bit Windows 7, 64-bit and 32-bit What is new? This release contains security updates. Notes .exe:Driver packages in self-installing .exe format intended for most users
Last month I was prompted and installed the 7th-10th gen graphic driver dated 6/15/2023. This driver proved unstable and caused periodic dark screens requiring a reboot. So today I rolled it back to the previous dated March 2023. I confirmed the install in device...
This download installs the Intel® Graphics Driver for Baytrail and 3rd generation.Available Downloads Download win64_15.33.53.5161.exe Recommended Windows 8.1, 64-bit*, Windows 7, 64-bit*, Windows 10, 64-bit* Size: 120.5 MB SHA1: E173A812B1FABF518EA10927129A8EDE5DE2BBD4 Download wi...
The driver update also brings improvements in gaming and real-time graphics performance. It introduces Game On Driver support for Intel Arc B-Series and A-Series Graphics as well as for Intel Core Ultra Processors with built-in Intel Arc Graphics.
So, please provide a link where I can download windows 8.1 x64 drivers for Intel HD graphics 3000. thx 翻譯 0 積分 複製連結 回覆 Anonymous 不適用 02-01-2016 10:21 AM 42,111 檢視 Hi livescu, The graphics driver available is for Windows® 8.1 32bit. The drivers available for ...