intel Star Here are 1,244 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All Sort: Most stars rwaldron / johnny-five Star 13.3k Code Issues Pull requests JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup. javascript raspberry-pi iot arduino beaglebone-black gpio serial ...
使用场景是:当你打算使用一个 VBT 支持多个LFP(Local Front Panel,内置屏幕),比如一个型号的笔记本有多个 SKU,使用了几种不同的屏幕。之前的解决方法是在 BIOS 中放置多个 VBT,然后通过 GPIO 之类的作为 BoardID,在POST过程中Load不同的 VBT。显而易见的是这样会比较麻烦,BIOS 改动较大(作为BIOS工程师,最好的...
NVIDIA Vulkan Dev 572.63 (VK_1.4.307) AMD Radeon 25.3.1 (VK_1.3.302) Intel Arc/IGP (VK_1.4.303) Moore Threads PES v290.100 (GL_4.2) Geeks3D's Tools FurMark 2.6.0 GPU-Shark 2.6.0 ASUS FurMark 2 ROG Edition 2.6.0 ...
● 2 x USB 2.0 (internal pin header) ● 1 x Console (RJ45) ● 8 x GPIO (4-In, 4-Out) internal pin header Acrosser had committed its valuable resources to further develop its advanced network product lines. Furthermore, Acrosser is now working directly with Intel, as part of Intel ...
As part of this project, we need to access the GPIO pins to interface with external sensors. However, we are encountering challenges in achieving this. Despite installing the required libraries, we have been unable to access the GPIO pins successfully. ...
配置选项:[Enabled](启用),[Disabled](禁用) Filter PLL(过滤器 PLL) 启用后将设置 GPIO8 low (0),以便在 BCLK 超频级别较高时启用过滤器 PLL. UnderVolt Protection(欠电压保护) 当启用欠电压保护时,用户将无法在系统处于欠电压运行时进行编程.建议默认保持 启用状态. [Enabled](启用)启用此项目后将允许 ...
The Intel processor forum has a similar discussion about the int3450 issue, you can refer: Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply ...
GPIOGeneral-purposeinput/output LMTLakemontProcessorArchitecture MCUMicrocontroller OOOperatingSystem ODSCOscillator OTPOne-TimeProgrammable QMSIInteleQuark”MicrocontrollerSoftwareInterface RISCReducedInstructionSetComputing ROMRead-onlyMemory RTCReal-TimeClock SRAMStaticRandomAccessMemory UARTUniversalasynchronousreceiverf...
Solved: Hi, all fpga : 10ax115N3f45I1sg quartus : 18.0.0 standard version Now I'm using GPIO IP core to design using bus lvds. And for this IP, I use
Now I'm using GPIO IP core to design using bus lvds. And for this IP, I use half rate design, read and wirte use seperate clocks. IP design likes below: gpio_ip gpio_ip_inst( .fr_ck_in () .hr_ck_in () .dout() .fr_ck_out() .hr_ck_...