UI Modifications Overview Resources Employ user interface, scale, and theme modifications in Intel® GPA tools. About Intel uses cookies and similar tools to enable you to make use of our website, to enhance your experience and to provide our services. We also use cookies to understand how ...
关闭“Intel GPA Sample”(英特尔® GPA 样本)应用,利用 Windows“Start”(开始)菜单打开Intel® GPA Frame Analyzer(英特尔® GPA帧分析器)。 当Intel GPA Frame Analyzer启动时,它会打开帧捕获的文件对话框,从列表中选择一个文件,然后单击打开。 当Intel GPA Frame Analyzer(英特尔® GPA帧分析器)启动时,...
Use Diff Mode in Graphics Frame Analyzer to display the differences between the current render target with modifications and the original render target. This facilitates your ability to gauge the visual quality versus performance tradeoff caused by the applied experiments.Product...
1.安装Intel GPA和Nox(夜神模拟器)。 Intel GPA下载链接如下:<Free Download | Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers> Nox下载链接如下:<夜神安卓模拟器-安卓模拟器电脑版下载-官网> 2.模拟器设置 3.GM设置 Auto-Detect 这个需要 打开 可能每次启动都需要手动设置!!! 将模拟器的应用程序添加进来。 使用GM运行...
Graphics Monitor - hub of Intel® GPA tools for selecting options and starting trace and frame captures. System Analyzer - live analysis of CPU and GPU activity. Graphics Trace Analyzer - deep analysis of CPU/GPU interactions during a capture of a few seconds of data. Gra...
1.安装Intel GPA和Nox(夜神模拟器)。 Intel GPA下载链接如下:<Free Download | Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers> Nox下载链接如下:<夜神安卓模拟器-安卓模拟器电脑版下载-官网> 2.模拟器设置 3.GM设置 Auto-Detect 这个需要 打开可能每次启动都需要手动设置!!!
Intel GPA includes four tools: Use Graphics Monitor as a starting point: navigate to your application, configure options, capture frame, stream, and trace files, launch real-time analysis. WithSystem Analyzer,analyze CPU, GPU, and graphics API metrics in real time. ...
Intel的GPA本身是一款图形分析软件,并没有设计从3D程序里抓取模型资源的功能,但这里作者是通过hook GPA应用,让他可以把捕捉到的顶点缓冲和索引缓冲。 Intel GPA 64位的下载链接 http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/4674/gpa_14.3_release_231370_windows_x64.msi ...
Intel GPA,我用的版本是4.1,不光能针对集成的Intel显卡进行分析,对于Nvdia,AMD的独立显卡一样能够进行分析。 GPA 监控器 - 将GPA 连接至本地或远程电脑上,以便您配置 HUD 模式和键盘快捷键。 GPA 系统分析器 - 实时显示应用性能指标,位于 Microsoft DirectX 应用之上。通过系统分析器可以知道是占用CPU资源更多还是...
Intel GPA 安卓模拟器(因为截的是手游,端游可忽视。模拟器有很多选择,我用的是tx手游助手) Houdini Step1:截帧并导出所需模型信息 截帧流程这里只做最基础说明,具体细节可以看官方文档或者百度。 通过Graphics Monitor截帧 成功检测到游戏时左上角会有个框,按Ctrl+Shift+C截帧(不要用中文输入法) ...