Action Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 for Windows 7* 32-Bit 10/20/2010 Windows 7,32-bit* View Details Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 Driver for Windows Vista* 64-bit 9/16/2010 Windows Vista,64-bit* View Details
操作系统:win7 发布厂商:戴尔 发布日期:2021/03/03 文件容量:26MB 驱动种类:官方正式版 适应硬件:显卡驱动 驱动说明: 驱动精灵提供Intel GMA 3150, v., A03 显卡驱动官方正式版下载安装。戴尔 Intel GMA 3150, v., A03 显卡驱动 适用于 "win7"(64或32位)系统,发布于2021/03/03 ...
This netbook came with Windows 7 Starter, and I upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium, so I looked on the intel website for a better driver update. I found the ones that match, it says it is for Intel GMA 3150 Win7 32bit Home Premium, and also mentions that it is good for Intel ...
近期Intel方面发布了全系列GMA 3150显示驱动,包括:版驱动、版驱动、版驱动,需要的朋友可以下载升级。 很快,此系列驱动将会陆续同步至驱动精灵数据库,驱动精灵软件也将正式对Graphics Media Accelerator 3150显卡提供支持以及后续驱动升级服务。
Windows* 7 Driver (32-bit) - Version 1091 - Intel® GMA 3600 Subscribe More actions NICHOLAS_F_Intel Employee 03-28-2013 12:51 PM 66,497 Views Hello again everyone. Following in the same spirit as the last Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 driver feedback thread...
I have been testing this driver for a month now and here is what I've found with the 1089 driver (Intel GMA 3600, Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bits) : - sluggish aero experience under Windows 7, even when no other process/program is using the IGP (or put...
Intel(英特尔)AC 3165双频无线网卡驱动19.51.0.4 适用于Windows 10 64-bit6613 8 Intel(英特尔)AC 7265双频无线网卡驱动程序18.33.7.2适用于Windows 10 64-bit6397 9 英特尔Intel S5500HCV 主板驱动程序4909 10 Intel英特尔PROSet/Wireless蓝牙驱动2.5.0.133 Beta版For Win7-32/Win7-64/Win8-32/Win8-64(2012年...