i cant download the newest version of intel extreme tuning utility. but i can download the older one. The problem is i cant change the things i want to change in the older version because its grayed out. And the reason why i cant download the newer version is because it says im on ...
说明 英特尔® Extreme Tuning Utility (英特尔® XTU) 显示安装过程中的错误: 尝试在不受支持的平台上安装。 解决方法 非K SKU 移动平台(如 KBL-R U/Y)不支持 英特尔® XTU,甚至不支持用于硬件监控。 相关产品 本文适用于 1 产品 全部显示 更多...
Environment Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) Summary Explains how to resolve a setup fail error message within Intel® XTU. Description While trying to install Intel® XTU, a Setup Fail error message appears. The above error message is likely to appear right after an ...
I've tried running Intel Xtreme Tuning Utility in Administrator mode, but the error persists. I also ensure that Intel optimization settings are managed, so no additional software should be interfering with performance. Additionally, I don't have any anti-virus software installed, so that shouldn...
I have my motherboard is Z97 MPOWER so I was working with Extreme Tuning Utility for days overclocking my 4790K CPU and it was working just fine nothing wrong with it; Last night i had to reinstall windows 7 because of the Intel? Extreme Tuning Utility(XTU) v5.1.2.2 not bench...
XTU(Intel Extreme Tuning Utility)可以给CPU降压超频,压榨CPU性能,本应是个好工具,可惜有很多神奇Bug;这次差点搞坏笔记本,最后不得不卸载,可惜可惜~ 四代酷睿i7,老版本的XTU可用,一年前装上降压0.05v后没管它,某天突然不能保存配置文件了,想着更新下XTU(最后支持四代酷睿的版本7.4)应该会好,结果装新版...
Utility won't start and gives above error message but there are no other tuning utilities running. I already tried to uninstall and have searched for and deleted remaining files in <C:\ProgramData\Intel\Intel Extreme Tuning Utility\> and <C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning...