產品集合 Intel® Wireless 7200 系列 代號 產品原名 Stone Peak 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 Q3'14 重量(克) 2.4 作業溫度範圍 0°C to 80°C 支援的作業系統 Windows 11, 64-bit*, Windows 10, 64-bit*, Linux*, Chrome OS* 天線 2x2 網路規格 ...
PRODUCT BRIEF Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 2nd Gen Intel 802.11ac, Dual Band, 2x2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth® 4.2 Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 Ultra Wi-Fi. Ultra Features. Ultra Connected Experience The Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 802.11ac, dual band, 2x2 Wi-Fi + ...
Intel® Wireless-AC 7265 double bande référence rapide avec les spécifications, les fonctionnalités et les technologies.
Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 - 지원 리소스(드라이버, 소프트웨어, BIOS 및 펌웨어 업데이트)를 다운로드하십시오.
Intel® Wireless 7265 Family (Rev. C) Discontinuation Notice Last Reviewed02/14/2025 Pageof2View All About Intel uses cookies and similar tools to enable you to make use of our website, to enhance your experience and to provide our services. We also use cookies to understand how visitors...
PRODUCT BRIEF Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 2nd Gen Intel 802.11ac, Dual Band, 2x2 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth® 4.2 Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 Ultra Wi-Fi. Ultra Features. Ultra Connected Experience The Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 802.11ac, dual band, 2x2 Wi-Fi + ...
英特尔无线网卡AX210AX200 AC9260 AC8265 AC8260 AC7265 AC7260 AC3168 AX200Wi-Fi6 暂无报价 看百科 intel 英特尔 7260AC 通用版 867M Mini PCI-E无线网卡(802.11ac) intel 英特尔 7260AC 通用版 867M Mini PCI-E无线网卡(802.11ac) 暂无报价
功率大概是英特尔一半吧 比如同样网速 英特尔下载1g峰值 螃蟹就只有500mb 所以没人用 只有猴米为了省钱 才拿螃蟹网卡糊弄人 用是能用 现在网速怎么够用? 反手冲下旋 神论党 9 你可以看看笔吧评测室的对红米的测评,里面有说 纵横四海 笔记本盲 13 有好的我为什么要用垃圾的么?可别感知不强了,网卡这种东西...
本本换了intel ..下了N个驱动都不行,设备管理器里显示7265AC但是该设备无法启动,错误代码10。原装网卡是7265N换回去立刻有信号了。本本是华硕的,看到台湾某个论坛有个华硕ux305 7265N换AC于是我也尝试
We understand you are having issues installing the drivers for the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 in your PC. It is important to mention that you should always use the latest drivers from the https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/OEMs.html Computer ...