综上所述,Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260是一款功能全面、性能卓越的无线网卡,适用于需要高速、稳定网络连接的多种场景。
Intel® Wireless 7200 系列 代號 產品原名 Wilkins Peak 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 Q2'13 重量(克) 4 作業溫度範圍 0°C to 80°C 支援的作業系統 Windows 10, 32-bit*, Windows 10, 64-bit*, Windows 8.1, 32-bit*, Windows 8.1, 64-bit*, Windows 8, 32-bit*, Windows 8, 64-bit*, Window...
Intel® Wireless der 7200er-Reihe Codename Produkte mit früherer Bezeichnung Wilkins Peak Status Discontinued Einführungsdatum Q2'13 Gewicht (in Gramm) 4 Betriebstemperaturbereich 0°C to 80°C Geeignete Betriebssysteme Windows 10, 32-bit*, Windows 10, 64-bit*, Windows 8.1, 32-bit*, Wi...
Intel® Wireless 7200 系列 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 Q2'13 重量(克) 40.68 作業溫度範圍 0°C to 80°C 支援的作業系統 Windows 8*, Windows 7*, Linux* 天線 2x2 網路規格 TX/RX 串流 2x2 頻 2.4Ghz, 5Ghz 最大速度 867 Mbps Wi-Fi CERTIFIED* ...
More details Check Warranty Support Community Find solutions, view comments and engage with other Intel® users around the world. Intel Support Community Popular All 13 Articles Sort by Popularity Install & Setup Silent Installation of Intel® WiFi Driver and Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for...
首先打开注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System\ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318},里面有一堆文件夹,0000, 0001, 0002等等,逐个翻看,找到包含Intel(R) dual band wireless-ac 7260的那个文件夹,我的是0001,不知道是不是大家都一样,在该文件夹下寻找Scan...
Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 for Desktop quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Looking for answers if the Intel Dual Band Wireless AC 7260 Model 7269 HWM will work on my laptop HP Envy 6 W/Windows 10 without issues. My current - 9281632
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:AC7260 Dual Band Wireless-ac 7260 7260HMW +Bluetooth 4.0 867 Mbps IEEE 802.11ac PCIe Half Mini Wifi Card for DELL intel 7260AC PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: The kind is internal.The brand of our product is huyun.The application of our product is laptop.The type of our...
Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 这个网卡是让人蛮烦心的,在AC的wifi环境下,都很正常,在N的wifi环境下,速率表现一般般,还没有N的网卡速率高(实际传输速率) 天哥大大 神论党 9 我的AC7260网卡在n频率下外网下行达到200Mbps,很稳定 深海沉沦_ 真·大神 1 我和你遇到同样的困扰,一直到现在都没解...