新驱动本地下载: https://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/607_243122.htm
Intel日前发布了新的Win10 DCH显卡驱动,版本号为27.20.100.8476,主要优化了七代酷睿及之后的显卡游戏性能,玩《守望先锋》不那么卡顿了,同时还加入了两款新游戏——《毁灭全人类》和《Othercide》的优化支持。Intel英特尔显卡驱动27.20.100.8476版For Win10-64下载页面:https://drivers.mydrivers.com/drivers/...
Intel英特尔显卡驱动31.0.101.5448版For Win10-64/Win11(2024年5月10日发布) 近日,英特尔发布了最新的31.0.101.5448显卡驱动程序,适用于Arc A系列独显、锐炬Xe核显和具有Arc核显的酷睿Ultra处理器。 新版驱动主要为《黑帝斯 2》游戏提供优化支持,未涉及其他方面。
Here is link: GFX_Win7_8.1_10_x64_15.40.48.5171. Let me know when you have pulled down the files so I can free up the space in my OneDrive. Now, to install these drivers, you likely need to use the clean install method. Here is algorithm: Disable Internet access. Unplug E...
I have a Intel HD Graphics from the 1st gen, so I have just one option when it comes to install the drivers - Win7. Try to run the Setup of your driver after turning off the signed driver requirement. Apparently your graphics card is more recent than mine. This is my inf...
微软正在调整传统的Windows驱动体系,准备从WDM升级为UWD/WMD。 UWD是Universal Windows Drivers的缩写,即通用Windows驱动;有些将UWD写为WMD(Windows Modern Drivers,现代化Windows驱动)。按照微软的说法,只需要开发一套,就可以在UWP、Windows 10(v1809及更新)、Windows Server 2019等所有设备平台通行。 对此,Intel方面已...
发布厂商:英特尔(Intel) 发布日期:2023-04-05 文件容量:500.05MB 提交时间:2023-04-07 下载次数:11310 驱动种类:官方正式版 操作系统:Win10-64,Win11 适应硬件:,Intel酷睿i9-9900KS,Intel酷睿i9-9900K,Intel酷睿i7-9700K,Intel酷睿i5-9600K,Intel酷睿i5-9400,Intel酷睿i3-9350K,Intel酷睿i3-9300,Intel酷睿i3...
Install the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (previously called Intel® Driver Update Utility), which now automatically checks for drivers on a regular basis and can provide notifications when new drivers are available. Supported OS versions: Microsoft Windows® 10-64 - Fall Creators Update ...
Remember that driver updates are typically released by the hardware manufacturer or the device manufacturer rather than Microsoft. Microsoft includes some generic drivers in Windows updates, but for specific hardware, it's often best to get drivers directly from the manufacturer's website for the mos...
Intel英特尔显卡驱动31.0.101.4311 Beta版For Win10-64/Win11(2023年4月13日发布) 必须承认,Intel Arc显卡在驱动方面是相当上心的,发布一年来不断更新优化,早就不是当时吴下阿蒙了。 近日,Intel又面向Arc独显、Iris Xe核显发布了31.0.101.4311 Beta测试版驱动,优化支持《边境》、《我的世界:传奇》、《全面战争:战...