Intel Driver & Support Assistant 建议进行更新 如果是这种情况,并且未能安装建议的驱动程序,则需要从C:/ProgramData/Intel/DSA中删除文件和文件夹。文件可能是隐藏的,因此请确保取消隐藏它们。因此,如果你遇到任何问题,请访问Intel.com运行驱动程序故障排除程序。Intel Driver & Support Assistant 将帮助您下载、安装...
从intel.com下载并安装Intel Driver & Support Assistant,然后重启您的电脑。一旦你重新登录到你的账户,在开始菜单中找到助理并打开它。它将在浏览器中打开一个链接,然后检查您是否需要更新或缺少驱动程序。一旦找到,您将获得可以在您的PC上安装的驱动程序列表。点击下载按钮,并安装安装程序文件。一旦所有操作完成,...
目前找到的唯一可行办法,还是谷歌上英文找到的,就是运行intel官方的这个东西的卸载程序,然后重启,再安装这个支持助理。这玩意儿英文名叫“Intel driver support assistant uninstaller version” 来自iPhone客户端16楼2022-09-09 01:56 回复 shone4u 初级粉丝 1 下载专门的卸载这个东西的应用卸载掉,再安装...
The Intel driver and support assistant says installation failed. Unknown issue with installation. 0x80072EFF. Here's the log [16EC:2E18][2023-10-08T17:28:00]i001: Burn v3.11.2.4516, Windows v10.0 (Build 22621: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\Jami\AppData\Local\Temp\{0C4650A1-A...
The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant keeps your system up-to-date by providing tailored support and hassle-free updates for most of your Intel hardware.View a list of driver & software exclusions. Note: This application is supported on Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Wind...
Use Intel® Driver & Support Assistant to automatically detect and install the driver Download theIntel® Driver & Support Assistant. For more information, see theIntel® Driver & Support Assistant FAQ. Installation method 2: Manual Manually install the driver from the Intel® Download Center...
I understand you are having issues with your Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA). In order to better assist you, please provide the following: 1. What is the brand and model name of your wireless adapter? 2. Are you using a laptop or desktop computer? 3. What ...
Re:Update windows 11 does not update Intel Corporation driver - Extension - Hi Luna1971, Thank you for sharing your experience and solution! To add to your suggestion, the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Uninstaller can indeed be a helpful tool...
This post offers detailed guides for Intel driver update or download on Windows 10/11. Check how to update Intel graphics drivers, chipset drivers, etc. Read More Intel Driver Update Utility – Intel Driver & Support Assistant The professional Intel driver update tool, Intel Driver & Support Ass...
英特尔驱动程序和支持助理Intel Driver and Support Assistant是由因特尔官方推出的一款驱动程序更新工具,它可以帮助用户下载需要的驱动程序和管理工具,并且支持将已经安装的驱动程序更新到最新版本,包含了intel系列的显卡、音频、网卡以及芯片组驱动,如果你使用intel产品可以下载它来管理你的驱动。