首先,转到“开始”菜单,然后单击“设置”图块。之后,单击左侧边栏中的“Windows 更新”选项卡。接下来,从窗口的右侧部分,单击“高级选项”图块。然后,在下一个屏幕上,找到并单击“可选更新”图块以继续。之后,从可用驱动程序列表中,找到“蓝牙/Wi-Fi”驱动程序,然后单击其前面的复选框。然后,单击“下载...
The Microsoft Windows* download package for Microsoft Windows 11* consists of the driver package only. Intel PROSet and Intel ANS are not supported on Microsoft Windows 11*. Example downloads: Driver Package: Wired_driver_30.0_x64.zip See the release notes and the readme.txt file for ...
按下Windows键 + I打开Windows设置。从左侧窗格中选择Windows更新。接下来,选择右侧的“高级选项”按钮。在附加选项下选择可选更新。要检查图形或其他驱动程序升级,请展开驱动程序更新。您的图形(通常称为显示器)由Intel Graphics Driver处理。如果没有它,您的屏幕将完全变黑,您将无法看到任何东西。因此,更新它...
On 03rd September 2024, Intel Inc. released DCH WHQL-based graphics driver version for Windows 11 & Windows 10 os. Operating System
1) Not all the 7th gen processors support Windows 11, But Windows 10 is supported. 2) I would recommend installing the customized and certified driver for your laptop or desktop motherboard model, downloading the certified driver from your laptop or desktop manufacturer site ...
Intel® Management Engine Drivers for Windows 10* and Windows 11* Available Downloads Download Intel_R_ME_SW_2451.7.6.0.zip Windows 11 Family*, Windows 10* (22H2), Windows 10* (21H2), Windows 10* (21H1), Windows 10* (20H2), Windows 10* (20H1), Windows 10* (19...
Download the latest driver that is compatible with your Windows version. Decompress the driver packs you downloaded. Press theWindows keyandRon your keyboard to invoke the Run box. Type indevmgmt.msc, then clickOK. UnderNetwork adapters, right-click the connection you want to update, then click...
Intel Graphics Driver不断崩溃。视频驱动程序崩溃并已重置。Intel Driver & Support Assistant 建议进行更新 如果是这种情况,并且未能安装建议的驱动程序,则需要从C:/ProgramData/Intel/DSA中删除文件和文件夹。文件可能是隐藏的,因此请确保取消隐藏它们。因此,如果你遇到任何问题,请访问Intel.com运行驱动程序故障排除...
Intel has released the latest version of its graphics driver, and it adds official support for WIndows 11, including features like Auto HDR.
Intel DCH Graphics driver version is now available for users with supported hardware. The main highlight of the update is "Windows 11 support," which enables Windows 11 Auto HDR on computers with Intel 10th gen CPUs. Besides, the latest driver brings F1 2021 support and reduced...