今天尝鲜装了win10 感觉一切都还好 win8.1直接升级安装的 没有出现网上说的各种问题但是就在我一切安装妥当 打开游戏的时候发现帧率奇低最终发现 核心显卡驱动没装上 intel官网下载安装竟然提示不符合系统要求 windows更新推送的驱动一直安装失败百度了好久发现问题很普遍 也没有解决办法但是楼主是一个不死心的人。。。
I just got an automatic Windows Update for (I am on the Win10 Slow Ring developer preview if that helps), but the driver is not listed anywhere on intel.com. Does anyone have the changelog by chance? Traduzir 0 Kudos Responder Todos os tópicos do fórum Tópico ...
Intel Graphics & Video Display Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Lenovo IoT520
I just got an automatic Windows Update for (I am on the Win10 Slow Ring developer preview if that helps), but the driver is not listed anywhere on intel.com. Does anyone have the changelog by chance? Translate0 Kudos Reply ...
Double-click the “Do not include drivers with Windows Update” policy. Select the Enabled option, click Apply, and then OK. As for the frequency of Intel driver updates, it’s generally a good idea to keep your drivers up-to-date for optimal performance and security. However, if the fre...
英特尔已部署修复程序,建议你在计划安装Windows 10版本1809更新之前,通过Windows Update或英特尔网站更新Intel驱动程序。在一份支持文档中,英特尔指出该问题已通过Display Audio Driver版本10.25.0.10解决,该版本捆绑在英特尔图形驱动程序版本24.20.100.6286及更新版本中。英特尔解释说:“英特尔强烈建议所有第六代(...
Double-click the “Do not include drivers with Windows Update” policy.Select the Enabled option, click Apply, and then OK.As for the frequency of Intel driver updates, it’s generally a good idea to keep your drivers up-to-date for optimal performance and security. However, if the ...
16:10-format med større arbejdsområde 100% DCI-P3 (133% sRGB)De bedste farver i klassen Ja Op til 600 nitsSvarer til 789 nits LCD perceptuel lysstyrke 1.000.000:1DisplayHDR™ 600 True Black certificeret 6,5%70% reduktion i skadeligt blåt lys for bedre øjensundhed...
Presson theWindows keyon your keyboard StarttypingDevice Manager. ChooseDevice Manager. Step 2 Double-clickon theDisplay AdaptersandclicktheIntel Graphicsdevice. Step 3 Clickthe Driver tab. Step 4 Verifythat theDriver Versionis correct according to the driver that was previously downloaded in Method...
Presson theWindows keyon your keyboard StarttypingDevice Manager. ChooseDevice Manager. Step 2 Double-clickon theDisplay AdaptersandclicktheIntel Graphicsdevice. Step 3 Clickthe Driver tab. Step 4 Verifythat theDriver Versionis correct according to the driver that was previously downloaded in Method...