英特尔已部署修复程序,建议你在计划安装Windows 10版本1809更新之前,通过Windows Update或英特尔网站更新Intel驱动程序。在一份支持文档中,英特尔指出该问题已通过Display Audio Driver版本10.25.0.10解决,该版本捆绑在英特尔图形驱动程序版本24.20.100.6286及更新版本中。英特尔解释说:“英特尔强烈建议所有第六代(代...
Microsoft and Intel have identified a compatibility issue with a range of Intel Display Audio device drivers that may result in excessive processor demand and reduced battery life. As a result, the update process to Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) will fail. If you see a “What...
Intel Corporation HD Audio for Display Audio driver version: Date : 07/06/2023 HDMI Device port: SONY Soundbar MODEL [HT-G700] (last firmware update) [2.111] Audio software: Foolbar2000 v2.1 [x64] Ouput: Exclusive mode (set on) Windows 11 PROVersão 22H2Instal...
I think, a driver update from Intel can for sure solve this problem, so that I driver called HD Audio Driver for Display Audio is indeed able to passthrough HD audio signals and not only having such a name. Furthermore, that at least a normal Windows sound test can be performed ...
Windows has prevented the update previously due to a known compatibility issue with the Intel display audio driver. This driver is linked with the Intel Graphics Driver. See a few articles on the issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM/comments/9zckkq/o...
Method 1: Update Intel High Definition Audio Driver via Driver Easy Automatically If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update theIntel High Definition Audio drivermanually, you can do it automatically withDriver Easy. ...
I tried the Intel Driver & Support Assistant and that did not work, no driver update but a message that my machine has an OEM driver installed and updates should come from the manufacturer; ACER. But there isn't a display driver update available from ACER.Downloading the latest driver from...
inter 显示音频驱动程序
Microsoft and Intel have identified a compatibility issue with a range of Intel Display Audio device drivers that may result in excessive processor demand and reduced battery life. As a result, the update process to Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) will fail. If you see a “What...