用Intel CPU的快试下用IntelQuickSync解码吧 来自: catguy(catguy) 组长 2014-04-18 10:44:42 http://www.youhifi.com/ADiscuss/DDD_1_12_25990.html赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 你的回复 回复请先 登录 , 或 注册 友HiFi 14 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 相关内容推荐 教程| 三步超简单。。
注意: 支持Intel Quick Sync 硬件加速编码的Wowza服务器必须是Wowza Streaming Engine™ 4.0.4及以上版本。 一、基于Windows平台的服务器以下型号的CPU支持Intel Quick Sync 硬件加速编解码技术: 装配Intel HD Graphics 3000/2000及以上版本的第2代的Intel Core processor 装配Intel HD Graphics 2500/4000版本的第...
CPU usage with QuickSync transcoding Subscribe More actions VASILY_V_ Beginner 05-18-2015 01:31 AM 2,333 Views Hi, I've start testing hardware transcoding based on Media SDK (2015 R5) on Ubuntu 12.04 with patched vanilla kernel 3.14.5 LibVA and LibDRM also patched. I'm testing...
第二代酷睿i系列处理器及以上的处理器都可以支持Quick Sync Video(快速视频同步)技术,现在主流的6、7代i系列处理器都是可以支持的。早期的INTEL处理器和AMD处理器不能兼容这个技术。
As I can't post to the appropriate forum yet, because of reasons: GStreamer-based NDI®-to-RTMP with VAAPI HW transcoding Ever wondered why you have an Intel CPU with QuickSync capabilities in your network, or a server with an Arc GPU, but you're still using your gaming machine's ...
所谓QSV,是Intel QuickSync Video的缩写,意思是快速同步视频技术。之所以取“快速同步”的名字,是因为该技术针对DVD光盘、蓝光光盘等存储介质到计算机、智能手机之间的视频转换。这些视频文件在拍摄时可以随意使用格式,但光盘等存储介质能写入的数据有限,故一般都用特定的通用格式(如H.264)进行编码。从存储介质提取出来的...
根据支持Intel Quick Sync硬件加速编码的硬件服务规格中介绍的服务器硬件规格, 使用下面的命令,安装你的CPU支持的Kernel版本: Intel Xeon E3-1285 v3 / 4th Generation Intel Coreapt-get install linux-headers-3.8.0-23linux-headers-3.8.0-23-generic linux-image-3.8.0-23-generic --fix-missing...
If seeing is believing, this is a CPU that helps your GPU play true. And with Intel® Quick Sync Video your game will never drop detail, even while streaming and recording at the same time.Featured Topics Finding the Right Budget Gaming PC How to Build a Gaming PC Overclock Your ...
Intel’s Quick Sync Technology In recent years video transcoding has become one of the most widespread consumers of CPU power. The popularity of YouTube alone has turned nearly everyone with a webcam into a producer, and every PC into a video editing station. The mobile revolution hasn’...
有部分 Intel 含核显 CPU 的规格列表中罗列了“多种格式编解码器引擎”这一项参数(或者用英语来说“Multi-Format Codec Engines”),然而大多数情况下核显都只含有 1 个这样的引擎,不过少部分型号的 CPU 可能含有 2 个这样的引擎 关于这一点,某位用户发起了提问,原文出处: ...