一些用户在社交媒体上分享了他们的经历。例如,用户Pk_419声称他发送了一个完全正常的Core i9-13900K CPU进行RMA,并成功获得了599美元的全额退款,这是该处理器最初上市时的价格。Intel并未要求提供CPU不稳定的证明。另一位Reddit用户报告说,他因为Core i9-13900K的严重稳定性问题而申请了RMA,结果收到了一个...
When I opted for the $600, they suddenly claimed to have my original CPU in stock. What kind of BS is that? Three weeks ago, someone from Intel was supposed to call me, but I never received a call. The RMA process has been a nightmare. Despite being a top-tier product, the ...
Detailed guidance on resolving the severe CPU issues, including potential fixes or replacement options. A clear timeline for the RMA process and next steps to ensure a swift resolution. This situation is beyond inconvenient; it's catastrophic for my professional and creative work. I'v...
Intel® Xeon® CPU Max 9462 Processor (75M Cache, 2.70 GHz) - Support product information, featured content and more.
If ICS confirms that the Product is eligible for warranty service, you will receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and instructions for returning the Product. Intel will ship to you, at its expense, the repaired or replaced Product within a reasonable period upon receipt of the ...
*/ hints->ep_attr->type = FI_EP_MSG; // 可靠数据报端点, 类似socket, 但无须执行listen/connect/accept /* Request basic messaging capabilities from the provider (no tag matching, * no RMA, no atomic operations) */ hints->caps = FI_MSG; /* Specifically request the tcp provider for ...
被从Pool map中排除后,每个 Target 将启动rebuild process自动恢复数据冗余。首先,每个 Target 创建一个受 被排除的 Target 影响的 本地对象 列表。该列表是通过扫描由底层存储层维护的本地对象表来完成的。然后,对于每个受影响的对象,将确定新对象分片的位置,并恢复历史对象的冗余(即快照)。重建所有受影响的对象后...
当然,Intel即便决定加强自家的半导体工艺,也不代表就完全放弃CPU外包的可能,花旗集团分析师Christopher Danely在报告中指出Intel可能会将Atom芯片业务外包,目前这部分营收90亿美元,占了Intel总营收的15%。 (7611582)
As forAnandTech, we’ll be digging into this on our own benchmark suite as time allows. We haveone more CPU launch coming up next week, so there’s no shortage of work to be done in the next few days. (Sorry, Gavin!) Intel’s Full Statement ...
Intel (INTC) has a Smart Score of 1 based on an analysis of 8 unique data sets, including Analyst Recommendations, Crowd Wisdom, and Hedge Fund Activity.