该版本将此前L3缓存性能下降问题彻底解决,用户需要分别下载Win11和AMD主板芯片组驱动的补丁包,分别是Windows11 2021年10月21日KB5006746(Build 22000.282),以及AMD的Chipset Drivers主板芯片组驱动3.10.08.506版,之后就能拨云见日。知名跑分测试软件AIDA64同一时间也上传了两组测试数据,分别对应未打Win11补丁+...
Drivers for Win11 S’abonner Plus d'actions NenaGold Débutant 11-04-2021 04:43 AM 1 652 Visites Hello according to all documentation I've been able to find, the driver currently installed on my system Intel® Core™ i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz should be compatible with Win11, ...
Run a full system scan using antivirus software to check the computer is not infected with malware, which can often cause high CPU usage. Also ensure Windows 11 and all drivers are up to date. Sometimes, outdated drivers or system files can cause compatibility issues leading t...
Run a full system scan using antivirus software to check the computer is not infected with malware, which can often cause high CPU usage. Also ensure Windows 11 and all drivers are up to date. Sometimes, outdated drivers or system files can cause compatibility issues leading to high CPU...
I reinstalled Windows 11 (full reinstall), updated the BIOS to the latest version and installed the latest Intel drivers using the 'Intel driver and Support assistant' application. I tried disabling CPU virtualization in BIOS, but the problem still occurs. I also tried swapping my RAM and...
微软、AMD修复锐龙CPU性能bug 是的!前阵子,AMD被微软坑了。 10月7日,微软官方曝出Win11在部分AMD锐龙CPU平台上会出现性能bug,L3缓存延迟导致游戏性能下降10%~15%,消息一出,不少想尝鲜新系统的小伙伴慌了:我的CPU就是Ryzen三代,如果一更新Windows11性能就变差劲儿,这人扛得住?撤了撤了!
This will probably be more of a concern when you are multitasking between multiple applications, but we wanted to see if Windows 11 is able to make a significant difference in terms of raw application performance.In addition to testing a 12th Gen CPU in both Windows 11 and Windows 10, we ...
10月7日,微软官方曝出Win11在部分AMD锐龙CPU平台上会出现性能bug,L3缓存延迟导致游戏性能下降10%~15%,消息一出,不少想尝鲜新系统的小伙伴慌了:我的CPU就是Ryzen三代,如果一更新Windows11性能就变差劲儿,这人扛得住?撤了撤了! 还有已经更新win11的小老弟一拍桌子,难怪我5800x更新Win11后感觉帧数下降,原来是被...
10月7日,微软官方曝出Win11在部分AMD锐龙CPU平台上会出现性能bug,L3缓存延迟导致游戏性能下降10%~15%,消息一出,不少想尝鲜新系统的小伙伴慌了:我的CPU就是Ryzen三代,如果一更新Windows11性能就变差劲儿,这人扛得住?撤了撤了! 还有已经更新win11的小老弟一拍桌子,难怪我5800x更新Win11后感觉帧数下降,原来是被...
okay we will open for some gen7 CPU's that will be officially supported... not least Surface studio 2 CPUs that still only have 7gen.It ain't pretty how we/microsoft are coming across with windows11..sure you can install windows11 on older units. but the way Microsoft has ...