戴尔intel-softwarecomponent-错误是指在电脑软件组装过程中发生了错误,建议进行故障排查。1、首先还是利用组合键(Win+R键)打开运行窗口,在窗口里面输入指令:services.msc点击确认进入服务管理页面。2、然后在服务里面下方找到Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc),鼠标右键选择启动。3、如果鼠标右键下的...
去年11月购买了 HP ZBook Power 15.6 inch G9 Mobile Workstation PC 笔记本并一直使用原装WIN11操作系统一年多,最近遇到一个问题,在WIN11的系统更新中会反复安装 Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 1.1122.713.2 这个更新,我原本以为是WIN11的共性问题,结果今天在微软官方网站上查询后才知道这个...
FYI- Microsoft has just release the "Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 3.1024.505.1" as part of the windows update.You will still have the same issue as for all the previous version of those Intel-drivers as before. Windows Eventlog shows information with ID=16 for source "Intel connec...
Running Win 11 22h2 /22621.1413 This Intel Driver keeps popping up as an update. I keep installing it but it just won't quit. I even went into the advanced...
if ($u.Title -eq 'Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 2.1123.706.4') {write-host $u.Title$u.IsHidden = $truebreak}}'done.' Was this reply helpful? Yes No Hecker Author 3 0 0 New member 10-24-2023 08:31 AM Script has not worked! N...
software component un.软件成分 软件组件;软件构件化;软构件 例句 1.Software component is a fundamental unit of software reusability.软件构件是软件复用的基本单元。2.With registration complete, the second software component may then be downloaded.在注册完毕后,就可以下载第二软件组件。3.A ...
Hello Intel-Community! Numerous times I failed to install the update for: Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 2.1123.706.4 now! Each morning the
windows更新,..重新更新先重启一下然后 运行cmd输入 net stop wuauserv 停止更新服务然后删除C盘里的 这个文件夹里的东西 C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution然后输入在
求助驱动更新..你好!intel-SoftwareComponent-1.63.1155.1下载错误可能有多种原因,以下是一些可能的解决方案:1. 网络连接问题:首先,请确保你的网络连接正常。尝试连接到其他网站或下载
What is the Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - optional update being offered through Windows* Update Service and what part of the system it is referencing? Resolution Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - is an update for Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel®...