Intel® Core™ i3-N300 Prozessor (6 MB Cache, bis zu 3,80 GHz) Kurzübersicht über Spezifikationen, Funktionen und Technik.
Intel TDP设定为一个典型值,实际运行时所需功率通常远超这个值。拿n300举例,要达到满载运行状态至少需要40瓦左右,而1215u、1235u等型号则可能达到70、90瓦甚至更高功率。12代至14代的Intel低功耗产品,在性能表现上与AMD相比逊色很多,很多产品的散热与功率设计较为保守,导致性能评分出现较大差距。n3...
名称Intel Core i3-N300添加对比 性能排名第1486名 得分8,064 TDP7 W 插槽类型FCBGA1264 核心数8 线程数8 睿频3.8 GHz 发布时间Q3 2023 其它名称Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-N300 Intel Core i3-N300与其它CPU性能对比 Intel Core i3-N300 与 AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX 性能比较 ...
Processador Intel® Core™ i3-N300 (cache de 6 M, até 3,80 GHz) referência rápida com especificações, recursos e tecnologias.
Core i3-1115GRECore i3-N300 General recommendations: Clocked higher General recommendations: More cores for better multi-threading performance, Can execute more threads at once, Significantly lower power Drawbacks: Smaller number of CPU cores,
Compare Intel Core i3-1215U with... Other Intel Core i3 Mobile CPU: Any CPU: Compare Intel Core i3-N300 with... Other Intel Core i3 Mobile CPU: Any CPU: Note: To see differences with any CPU, type in any combination of the following into the "Any CPU" field: manufacturer nam...
低功耗下性能比amd差很多,很多产品散热和功率设计的又很保守,导致分数会差很多。本质上n300 n305是一...
Bộ xử lý Intel® Core™ i3-N300 (bộ nhớ đệm 6M, lên đến 3,80 GHz) tham khảo nhanh các thông số kỹ thuật, tính năng và công nghệ.