呼应美国总统拜登日前提出以2.25兆美元推动基础建设计划,其中包含提拨500亿美元补贴美国境内半导体产业的美国制造芯片法案(CHIPS for America Act),目前包含微软、苹果、Intel、AMD 、三星、恩智浦、英飞凌,乃至于台积电在内多达64家半导体相关企业组成为「SIAC」的半导体联盟,计划借此提高美国境内制作芯片能力。在此之前...
Once given little attention in chipmaking, packages are changing how chips are designed and created – and, ultimately, what chips can do. US-Built Chips Can Strengthen National Security The passage of the CHIPS and Science Act shined a spotlight on the critical need to invest in U.S. domes...
US Semiconductor Manufacturing, CHIPS Act America’s Semiconductor Leadership Starts with IntelPowered by the promises of the CHIPS Act, Intel is investing more than $100 billion to increase domestic chip manufacturing capacity and capabilities.
两年前英特尔与美国国防部签署一项协议,叫做“快速保障微电子原型──商业计划(RAMP-C)”,即英特尔代工业务(IFS)将作为商业代工服务供应商。现在英特尔与国防部同意合作,生产原只能在欧洲或亚洲制造先进制程芯片的早期测试样品。这项国家安全加速器计划是由美国《芯片与科学法案》(CHIPS Act)补助。英特尔表示,有...
这笔资金来自一个规模达390亿美元的《芯片和科学法案》(Chips and Science Act )拨款池,旨在说服芯片制造商在美国生产半导体。数据显示,有600多家公司表示有兴趣获得这笔资金。据了解,“Secure Enclave”(安全隔离区)是一个独立于主处理器外的安全协处理器,其中包括基于硬件的密钥管理器,可提供额外的安全性保护。
The chips made on the 7 nm process will power the most sophisticated computers, data centers, sensors and other high-tech devices, and enable things like artificial intelligence, more advanced cars and transportation services, breakthroughs in medical research and treatment, and more. These are area...
s move to reduce dependence on Asia for chips formally began in January 2o21, when Congress passed the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act as part of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). CHIPs authorized a series of programs for promoti...
We’re creating jobs in America and exporting American products. (Applause.) And my predecessor and his allies in Congress want to go back. In fact, the vast majority of the team on the other side, my Republican friends, didn’t vote for the CHIPS and Science Act — the maj...
根据报道,英特尔的补助计划将由补贴款及贷款组成,预料会是2022年《芯片与科学法案》(Chips and Science Act,又称芯片法、CHIPS Act)推出以来,规模最大的补助行动。芯片法的资金规模为527亿美元,其中390亿美元将赞助半导体生产、110亿美元赞助研发案。报道并指出,拜登政府提供三星电子(Samsung Electronics)、...
The U.S. is on the precipice of a once-in-a-lifetime manufacturing boom for the world’s most important technology – semiconductors– and Intel is leading the way to revitalize American semiconductor manufacturing. With support from the CHIPS and Science Act, Intel plans to ...