就目前的预期性能来看,优先迁移到Apple Silicon的机型,大概率是mac mini、MacBook Air(或者可能复活Mac...
ARM Mac与Apple Silicon:全面解读苹果自研芯片,WWDC没告诉你的,都在这里了!6月23日,WWDC2020正式召开,Apple Silicon与ARM Mac与我们正式见面,在感叹A12Z惊人性能的同时,我也对苹果的这一举动充满敬意,这一条道路注定是充满机遇与提挑战的。今天这一期视频,我们就
如果Apple连「全面拋弃Intel芯片组转而使用Apple Silicon」都不敢做,那这个Transition项目也基本可以判失败...
After those years, on the MacBook side, Apple moved to soldering storage and RAM down to the motherboard. So, what you purchased is what you were stuck with. While it might be true that some Intel MacBooks from years past aren’t still upgradable, it was the Intel-based Mac that mad...
If you’re choosing between two different types of Macs or two generations of the same Mac, you may wonder just how much of a difference the processor will make. Since November 2020, all new Macs have featured one of Apple’s own system-on-chips based on the ARM architecture, sometimes ...
Apple's new M1-based MacBook Air could be the next portable workstation for Mac users, but how does it measure up against the long-standing Intel-based version? We compare the specifications between the two lightweights. The MacBook Air has been the go-to for anyone wanting to ha...
Advantages of an Apple Silicon Mac vs an Intel Mac Apple M1 chip is Newer and Faster Apple Silicon, in a lot of ways, was a huge leap forward in terms of computing technology. All the claims of performance gains (ha, poetic much!) made by Apple aside, the M1 chip actually stood up...
The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with M1 is an important piece of kit, and one that could stand alongside the existing MacBook catalog in terms of performance. Here's how it stands up on paper against the mid-range option, the 13-inch Intel-based MacBook Pro.
某些软件无法在 M1 或 Apple 硅芯片上运行,这意味着您需要一台英特尔 Mac。 相比之下,我们可能会看到越来越多的软件无法在英特尔芯片上运行,这意味着您需要使用 Apple 硅芯片 来代替。 由于M1 是不同的处理器,因此需要重新编写程序才能在新芯片上运行。因此,虽然 Apple 自己的应用程序(如 Safari、Pages、FinalCut...
Mac with Apple silicon or Intel-based Mac? Let SweetCare explain what you need to know to get the most processing power for your audio and content creation.