A quick way to download the Intel High Definition Audio driver in Windows 11 on HP, Dell, and Lenovo devices is via the Device Manager. We recommend taking the manual route in case you have a better driver version on the PC. 2. Using Windows Update PressWindows+Ito openSettings, selectWi...
您的电脑缺少Intel High Definition Audio驱动程序,导致无法发出声音。详细解释:1. 驱动缺失问题:Intel High Definition Audio是英特尔处理器上常见的一个音频处理模块。当您的电脑缺少相应的驱动程序时,操作系统无法正确识别和管理该模块,从而导致音频功能失效。2. 驱动安装的重要性:驱动程序是操作系统与...
设备管理->系统设备或声卡那找到感叹号的 intel high definition DSP。先卸载掉 然后在系统设备->英特尔智音技术更新驱动-> 选 浏览计算机上的驱动程序 选‘让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取’ 然后列表中有两个, 选"High Definition Audio控制器"。
Solved: I am using a Spectre x360. I have two devices in Device Manager with exclamation marks. One is the Intel High-Definition Audio driver and the - 9274079
Method 1: Update Intel High Definition Audio Driver via Driver Easy Automatically If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update theIntel High Definition Audio drivermanually, you can do it automatically withDriver Easy. ...
解释“intelhighdefinitionaudio感叹号”的含义 在Windows操作系统中,“Intel High Definition Audio”是Intel公司提供的音频解决方案,用于计算机的声音输出和输入。当设备管理器中的“Intel High Definition Audio”控制器前出现黄色感叹号时,这表示系统识别到了该音频设备,但遇到了某种问题,导致它无法正常工作或无法完全发...
If yes, I advise you to uninstall the Realtek Audio driver in Device Manager instead by following the steps on thislink. Once done, restart the laptop, then reinstall the driver by clickinghere. Restart it again afterwards and check if the machine will now play audio properly. ...
TheHigh Definition HDMIis an audio device manufactured byIntel. This driver fixes problems with no sound or static or distorted sound, and can unlock advanced features of your audio device. This device is supported under legacy operating systems such asWindows VistaandWindows XP. This popular drive...
驱动安装不正确 我了解的几个可能 1 你的驱动选择错误 think产品驱动 [url]http://think.lenovo.com.cn/support/driver/defaultpage.aspx[/url]输入主机编号 选择xp系统 2 系统版本问题 xp不支持混音 换成vista 3 更新电源管理驱动和声卡驱动 4 系统不稳定 重装系统 ...
方案二:1.启动控制面板—卸载程序—卸载声卡驱动 2.先前往主板厂商官网,按主板型号下载专用驱动并安装(笔者最初也是重装的此类驱动,但仍未解决) 解压后双击Setup.exe安装 方案三:若方案二失效,前往Intel官网下载声卡驱动(https://downloadcenter.intel.com/zh-cn/download/28433/Controlador-de-audio-de-alta-definic...