I am currently thinking of buying the Lenovo Slim 7i which has an Intel Ultra 7 Processor 155H with integrated Arc Graphics, but I cannot find the specific name of the integrated graphics (A380, A30 etc). So does anyone know if CAD is supported on the IGPU on the Ultra...
蓝戟Photon B580顶部有一块带蓝戟祖传的RGB灯牌,除了提升整机颜值以外,还可以通过灯光闪烁显示显卡的工作状态,兼顾了实用性。通电之后效果如下图所示,灯效可以通过Arc驱动自行调整。除了显卡本体以外,蓝戟Photon B580还附赠了一块金属材质的冰箱贴,挺好看,下面进入拆解环节。2️⃣ 内部拆解 重要提示:本次拆解...
今年,Intel还成为了《无畏契约》职业赛中国区的官方特约合作伙伴,不仅为国服上线提供支持,还从云到端保障玩家体验的高性能、高稳定、低延迟,锐炫显卡更是成为《无畏契约》大师赛的官方推荐显卡。作为合作伙伴的蓝戟,也同步推出了《无畏契约》主题联名款的Arc A750,让粉丝怦然心动。在独立显卡市场上,Intel无疑是...
集显因为与CPU共通道,内存频率影响集显的发挥:例如LPDDR5/5X-5666MHz内存 更好(这个LP大有学问,跟睿频一个道理,不是你想浪到4.2GHZ就可以浪到4.2GHZ的,还得看厂家设计、功耗等); 没有独立显存,就意味着在PR剪辑视频、AE、cad等方面,还是比独显差一个档次的,哪怕明面上看着跑分差不多; 多种显卡具体参数如下...
provides a suite of software development tools to help optimize software for arc architecture. can i overclock intel® arc™ graphics cards? yes, intel® arc™ graphics cards are designed to support overclocking for improved performance. however, it is important to note...
我觉得,还没到盖棺定论的时候,intel ARC有不足点,但不等同于ARC独显就是扑街了;intel的核显是干...
Hello Community, I have an Intel Arc A750 GPU in my PC and I want to use it for CAD. I have Siemens Solid Edge (Not SOLIDWORKS!) and it never seems
ultra processors go beyond ai acceleration to offer even more advancements such as discrete-level integrated graphics and the latest wifi technology. integrated intel arc graphics in a big development for demanding mobile graphics users, select intel ® core™ ultra processors feature integrated ...
I have an Intel Arc A750 GPU in my PC and I want to use it for CAD. I have Siemens Solid Edge (Not SOLIDWORKS!) and it never seems to access the GPU. It uses the CPU for everything and this makes performance extremely slow. As an example, when I try to extrude a relatively si...
I have an Intel Arc A750 GPU in my PC and I want to use it for CAD. I have Siemens Solid Edge (Not SOLIDWORKS!) and it never seems to access the GPU. It uses the CPU for everything and this makes performance extremely slow. As an example, when I try to extrude a relatively sim...