Intel® Arc™ a 系列顯示晶片 型號 A530M 代號 產品原名 Alchemist 微架構 Xe HPG 石版印刷型 TSMC N6 垂直區段 Mobile 狀態 Launched 推出日期 Q3'23 提供嵌入式選項 No GPU 規格 Xe-core 12 Render Slice 3 光線追蹤單元 12 Intel® XeMatrix Extensions (Intel® XMX) 引擎 ...
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、
快科技8月1日消息,Intel今天非常低调地发布了两款新的独立显卡,没有官宣,只是直接加入了产品库。它们就是面向主流笔记本的Arc A570M、Arc A530M。Intel笔记本显卡此前有五款型号,从高到低分别是基于ACM-G10大核心的A770M、A750M、A550M,基于ACM-G11小核心的A370M、A350M。其中,A550M配备了16个Xe核...
Intel悄然为自家的Arc A系列独显添加了两名新成员,分别是A570M和A530M,官方其实没有任何的发布消息,但它们两个已经被放入了最新的Intel显卡驱动里面,而且Intel Ark上也能查到它们的信息。不过目前这两款显卡的规格其实还没有完全给出,显存规格是完全没有提及的,Arc A570M拥有16个Xe核心,256组EU单元,规格...
这里重点聊聊英特尔全新的锐炫™ 显卡,也就是Intel® Arc™ graphics。 英特尔显卡的黑科技 Xe-HPG/Xe-LPG微架构 Xe-HPG可以理解为采用Xe内核的高性能显卡,而这个Xe内核则是英特尔GPU产品组合中新的基础计算构建模块,支持3D加速硬件,实际上是由多个执行单元构成。
Also, while you've mentioned having the latest graphics driver, it's worth noting that the Intel A530M graphics now has an updated driver version You might want to check if you've installed this newer version, as it ensures you're using the most ...
Also, while you've mentioned having the latest graphics driver, it's worth noting that the Intel A530M graphics now has an updated driver version You might want to check if you've installed this newer version, as it ensures you're using the most up-to-date...
Intel UHD Graphics 750Intel Arc A770 Graphics (16GB)Intel Arc A770 Graphics (8GB)Intel Arc A750 Graphics Intel Arc A580 GraphicsIntel Arc A380 GraphicsIntel Arc A310 GraphicsIntel Arc A770M Graphics Intel Arc A730M GraphicsIntel Arc A570M GraphicsIntel Arc A550M GraphicsIntel Arc A530M Graphi...
- Arc A550M - Arc A570M - Arc A530M - Arc A730M - Arc A370M - Arc A350M - Iris Xe This graphics driver supports the integrated GPUs for the following processors: - Intel 11th Gen - Intel 12th Gen - Intel 13th Gen - Intel 14th Gen ...
They can launch a 4060 for $350 which would be the equivalent of nuking Intel from space. A 4060 at a price like that would be so good, Intel would take years to catch it, by which time it wouldn't matter anyway because here comes the refreshes. Sir, can you please make up your...