Intel® 10-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller 82599ES Kurzübersicht über Spezifikationen, Funktionen und Technik.
Intel® 82599ES 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.
Intel® 82599ES 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller - Support product information, featured content and more.
Intel® 82599 10 Gigabit 乙太網路控制器 代號 產品原名 Niantic 狀態 Discontinued 推出日期 Q2'09 預定停產 LOD: Jan/22/2022; LSD: April/22/2022 光刻 65 nm 作業溫度範圍 0°C to 70°C 最高作業溫度 70 °C 最低作業溫度 0°C 補充資訊 ...
Intel推出高可靠度、整合型的82599 10G 以太网路控制器 Intel 82599 10 G 以太网路控制器 (10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller) 为Intel 第三代双埠(dual-port)10GbE 控制器,并支援 PCI Express *2.0 技术。新控制器与 Intel® Xeon® 处理器 5500 系列平台的组合可将效能提升到全新层次,足以支援不断演进为虚...
intel 82599网卡(ixgbe系列)术语表 Intel®82599 10GbEController Datasheet 15.0 Glossary and Acronyms术语表 缩写 英文解释 中文解释 FLR Function level reset An OS in a VM must have complete control over a device, including its initialization, without interfering with the rest of the functions....
i looked at the product spec and both 82599EB and 82599ES features look the same to me. the 82599ES is in the converged network adapter X520
Solved: I have a server with NIC: Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599 10 Gigabit Dual Port Backplane Connection. And I caoonot find a
更多的关于信箱缓冲的信息可以参见:Intel ®82559 10Gigabit Ethernet Controller Datasheet。 Physical Function Mailbox PF 驱动能够访问所有的VF信箱,通过VF信箱的信箱内(VFMBMEM:VF Mailbox Mailbox Memory)存和PF信箱(Physical Function Mailbox)寄存器阵列. ...