一、引言 在计算机架构中,指令集是硬件与软件之间的桥梁,决定了程序如何与处理器交互。Intel处理器是全球最广泛使用的处理器架构之一,特别是在x86和x86-64体系结构中,其指令集结构(Instruction Set Architect…
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2D: Instruction Set Reference, W-Z ® NOTE: The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of ten volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference, A-L, Order Number...
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2 (2A, 2B, 2C & 2D):Instruction Set Reference, A-Z NOTE:The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of four volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-Z...
英特尔® 64架构是英特尔 IA-32 架构的一项增强功能。此增强功能允许处理器运行 64 位代码并访问更大容量的内存。 英特尔 64架构与支持软件相结合,可在服务器、工作站、台式机和移动平台上进行 64 位计算。英特尔 64架构通过允许系统处理 4 GB 以上的虚拟和物理内存来提高性能。 英特尔 64提供以下支持: 64 位...
Volume 1: Describes the architecture and programming environment of processors supporting IA-32 and Intel® 64 architectures. Volume 2: Includes the full instruction set reference, A-Z. Describes the format of the instruction and provides reference pages for instructions. Volume 3: Includes the ful...
The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual consists of five volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 253665; Instruction Set Reference A-M, Order Number 253666; Instruction Set Reference N-Z, Order Number 253667; System Programming Guide, Part 1, Order Number 253668; System...
一、64位cpu处理器的含义: 64位处理器是采用64位处理技术的CPU,相对32位而言,64位指的是CPU GPRs(General-Purpose Registers,通用寄存器)的数据宽度为64位,64位指令集就是运行64位数据的指令,处理器一次运行64bit数据。64bit处理器并非现在才有的,在高端的RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing,精简指令集计算机...
Chapter 5 — Instruction Set Summary:列出所有Intel 64和IA-32指令 Chapter 6 — Procedure Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions:描述用于进行过程调用以及为中断和异常提供服务的过程堆栈和机制。 Chapter 7 — Programming with General-Purpose Instructions:描述操作基本数据类型、通用寄存器和段寄存器的基本加载和存储...
29 Intel? 64 Intel? 64 Instruction Set Architecture 31:30 Reserved 返回在ECX中的位定义: Bit Name Description --- 0 LAHF LAHF / SAHF 31:01 Reserved 10、EAX=80000002h、80000003h、80000004h:返回处理器名称/商标字符串 mov eax, 80000002h cpuid .....
因为现在的Intel 64实际上和amd64基本是一个东西。另外64位架构也并不是AMD首先设计的,只是现在PC应用...