Intel 14th Gen Core chips are a refresh of the Raptor Lake arch, and they offer some nice gains in performance.
而Coffee Lake Refresh的高端毕竟由6核增加到了8核,作为一个独立的第9代来讲也算合理。但本次第14代的Raptor Lake Refresh,除了i7增加了4个E-Core,整体规格由8+8提高为8+16以外,i5和i9都只有频率上的提高。这种变化很难称得起是一代的升级,更类似于当年Hasswell到Hasswell Refresh的半代升级。 本次收到...
No... There's just 2 architectures, Core = Raptor Lake Refresh, Core Ultra = Meteor Lake.These 14th Gen HX fall under Core (Raptor Lake). Samus - Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - link They better have something real special lined up for 15th gen (Arrow Lake?) because...
没啥意外的话Intel会在9月的推出酷睿第14代处理器Raptor Lake Refresh并在10月上市,实际上各个板厂都开始推送支持酷睿第14代处理器的BIOS,硬件检测软件也开始提供对Raptor Lake Refresh的支持,已经有相当多关于它的爆料了,随着发布时间的接近,这些消息只会更多。@YuuKi_AnS已经放出了酷睿第14代处理器的具体规格...
Intel isn't moving away from quad-core CPUs on its entry-level Core i3 lineup anytime soon as per latest 14th Gen Raptor Lake Refresh leak.
The most important thing mentioned within the leak is that Intel is once again going to focus on increasing the clock speeds for its chips. The top Intel 14th Gen Raptor Lake Refresh CPU is said to boost up to 6.2 GHz and there's also the possibility of an even higher-binned variant th...
Intel公开展示Raptor Lake Refresh,但现在官方消息还是很少 在Intel Innovation 2023会议上,他们谈论了新一代架构Meteor Lake,还有新一代至强可扩展处理器,以及各种产品的未来线路图,在主题演讲中并没有提及任何关于酷睿第14代处理器的事情,但在线上的展厅展示视频中,他们展示的机器里面就有Raptor Lake Refresh。这...
没啥意外的话Intel会在9月的推出酷睿第14代处理器Raptor Lake Refresh并在10月上市,实际上各个板厂都开始推送支持酷睿第14代处理器的BIOS,硬件检测软件也开始提供对Raptor Lake Refresh的支持,已经有相当多关于它的爆料了,随着发布时间的接近,这些消息只会更多。
Raptor Lake Refresh: Intel® Core™ 14th Gen vs 13th Gen Before we hop into what’s new and improved with the Intel® Core™ 14th Gen processors, we feel it’s important to note and define some of the key features from prior iterations to give you a better understanding of what ...
Intel公开展示Raptor Lake Refresh, 在Intel Innovation 2023会议上,他们谈论了新一代架构Meteor Lake,还有新一代至强可扩展处理器,以及各种产品的未来线路图,在主题演讲中并没有提及任何关于酷睿第14代处理器的事情,但在线上的展厅展示视频中,他们展示的机器里面就有Raptor Lake Refresh。