I also had the same issue as yours and setting PL1 and PL2 to 125W including, using performance profile then setting up all recommended intel settings plus capping CPU amp to 307a I get a max temp of ~70c. Also make sure that the heat paste is right, sadly checking = need to re-...
I happened to be looking at the temperatures as the crash happened with HWInfo, all seemed fine with CPU core Temp at 43 C, and CPU Package temp at 45 C, and Core Max temp at 47 C.I had been gaming prior and noticed that throttling must have engaged briefly, as I did not see a...
同时,CPU的封装功耗最大为357W,当前功耗为352W,充分证明了微星Z790刀锋钛MAX主板能够为Intel酷睿i9-14900K提供稳定且持续的性能输出。毫无疑问,这款主板具备强大的散热性能和稳定的供电能力,是保证处理器在长时间烤机测试中不掉频的关键所在。 一名男子面对墙壁而立,墙上挂满了各式各样的手枪。他目光专注,细细地...
本次测试除了主角微星MPG Z790 EDGE TI MAX WIFI主板外,我们特意使用了Intel 14代酷睿的i9-14900K,让i7-14700K作为测试参照物。此外,为了更好地展现处理器的强大实力,我们选择了高性能DDR5内存和RTX 4090显卡。我们精心准备了一系列测试项目,以便更加客观地评估这款主板的性能表现。 实际上,酷睿第14代处理器与13...
同时,CPU的封装功耗最大为357W,当前功耗为352W,充分证明了微星Z790刀锋钛MAX主板能够为Intel酷睿i9-14900K提供稳定且持续的性能输出。毫无疑问,这款主板具备强大的散热性能和稳定的供电能力,是保证处理器在长时间烤机测试中不掉频的关键所在。 一名男子面对墙壁而立,墙上挂满了各式各样的手枪。他目光专注,细细地...
The max temp also topped out, at 98 C under load… yep. To clarify, this temp was recorded with the 14900K under a 360mm AIO, in a 1080p gaming test, in a well-ventilated case with no less than nine fans total. Intel’s Turbo Velocity Boost (and most turbo settings in general)...
▲微星Z790 ACE MAX主板采用了24+1+2(105A)强悍供电,即使是性能最强劲的i9-14900K也可以获得充足的供电,刚更新的Bios更是支持一键超频至6.3GHz,因此,完全能可以说这款主板是i9-14900K的完美座驾。 ▲微星Z790 ACE MAX主板提供了3个PCIex16显卡插槽,三个插槽均有金属装甲加固,其中上面两个插槽均为PCIe 5.0版...
Also 1 more thing, Sometimes on HWINFO, I see Core thermal throttling on Maximum "YES" even though None of the cores reached TjMax, shown in a picture. Full PC Specs: i9 14900K Z790 AORUS ELITE X AX Gigabyte 4070 Super Gaming OC T-Force Delta 32GB 7200MHz CL34 Lian Li 216 case....