戴尔intel-softwarecomponent-错误是指在电脑软件组装过程中发生了错误,建议进行故障排查。1、首先还是利用组合键(Win+R键)打开运行窗口,在窗口里面输入指令:services.msc点击确认进入服务管理页面。2、然后在服务里面下方找到Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc),鼠标右键选择启动。3、如果鼠标右键下的...
Intel(R) 300 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller 驱动。software component un.软件成分 软件组件;软件构件化;软构件 例句 1.Software component is a fundamental unit of software reusability.软件构件是软件复用的基本单元。2.With registration complete, the second software component may th...
大佬们,windows11今天更新,这个Intel-SoftwareComponent-1.42.2023.102安装错误怎么解决啊? 贴吧用户_5VJ2X3t 白丁 1 请问怎么解决? 真的孙雷 白丁 1 重新更新先重启一下然后 运行cmd输入net stop wuauserv 停止更新服务然后删除C盘里的 这个文件夹里的东西 C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution然后输入在CMD里 net start...
求助驱动更新..你好!intel-SoftwareComponent-1.63.1155.1下载错误可能有多种原因,以下是一些可能的解决方案:1. 网络连接问题:首先,请确保你的网络连接正常。尝试连接到其他网站或下载
Hello Intel-Community! Numerous times I failed to install the update for: Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 2.1123.706.4 now! Each morning the
I keep installing it but it just won't quit. I even went into the advanced system settings and turned device installation settings to 'no.' What is this Software Component...and why does Windows Update insist on installing it every other day? My Computer Ed Tittel Well-known member MVP...
Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 4.1024.1009.5 Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 3.1024.505.1 But Windows Update still gets stuck during the Win 11 download, always at 8%, with the message: "We can't install some updates because other updates are in progress. We will try installing...
您好,跟这个更新 Intel - SoftwareComponent不相关.
去年11月购买了 HP ZBook Power 15.6 inch G9 Mobile Workstation PC 笔记本并一直使用原装WIN11操作系统一年多,最近遇到一个问题,在WIN11的系统更新中会反复安装 Intel Corporation - SoftwareComponent - 1.1122.713.2 这个更新,我原本以为是WIN11的共性问题,结果今天在微软官方网站上查询后才知道这个...