The authors make the case for why having a leadership development strategy is of broad interest in higher education. This article offers practical insights from relevant literature and the authors' expert opinions. The article models a process for how any organization, especially those ...
They stand up for what they believe is right, even in the face of adversity. This kind of strength of character is admirable and inspiring to others. Moreover, integrity is essential in leadership. Whether it is in the political arena, business world, or community organizations, leaders must...
Integrity and Trust(article) 诚信和信任 P R O F I L E — I N T E G R I T Y A N D T R U S T 1INTEGRITY AND TRUST Due to the actions of a few greedy CEOs,coupled with tenuous business conditions in many of our companies,the issue of integrity and trust is back in the...
Palanski ME and Yammarino FJ (2007) Integrity and leadership: Clearing the conceptual confusion. European Management Journal; 25 (3): 171–184. Parry KW and Proctor-Thomson SB (2002) Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings. Journal of Business Ethics; 35 (2): ...
Inspiring Leadership in Teens: Group Activities to Foster Integrity, Responsibility and Compassion by Stuecker, R. (2010). Champaign, IL: Research Press, 390 pp. (includes a CD), $39.95. DOI: 10.1080/01609513.2011.569519Joan Letendrea pages 379-381 Publishing models and article dates explained...
Perceived integrity of managers affects employee attitudes. Yet its impact on employee behavior and organizational performance is unknown. Addressing this gap, we examine the effect of perceived integrity in leadership on both subjective firm performance and objective employee productivity. Applying dynamic ...
One crucial characteristic that defines exceptional leadership is integrity. Leading with integrity not only ensures ethical behavior but also inspires trust and promotes a positive work environment. In this article, we will explore the significance of leading with integrity and discuss its impact on ...
Article Google Scholar Kark, R., & Eagly, A. H. (2010). Gender and leadership: Negotiating the labyrinth. In J. C. Chrisler & D. R. McCreary (Eds.), Handbook of gender research in psychology, Vol 2: Gender research in social and applied psychology (pp. 443–468). Springer. Chap...
Integrity training teaches how to manage complex conflicts of interests, and promotes a culture of duties—not avoidance of sanctions—upon which leadership thrives. As in the student training suggested above, business integrity training places emphasis on defined conventions of decision making, not the...
ArticleGoogle Scholar Currie, G., Lockett, A., & Suhomlinova, O. (2009). The institutionalization of distributed leadership: A ‘Catch-22’ in English public services.Human Relations, Google Scholar The Leadership Quarterly, ArticleGoogle Scholar ...