java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException 是Java SQL 异常体系中的一个子类,专门用于指示与数据库完整性约束相关的问题。当尝试执行违反数据库完整性约束的操作时,如主键重复、外键引用不存在、非空字段插入空值等,就会抛出此异常。 Oracle 错误 ORA-02292 表示的具体问题 Oracle 错误 ORA-02292 表示“违反完整...
nested exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (UUU.SYS_C0019999_01) violated 问题排查 看了下 UUU.SYS_C0019999_01 是 id,对应某个序列。 报这个错,通常是序列的当前值和id不对应了。 例如:正常来说,id是根据序列产生的,但是如果手动增量维护了id,那么...
在更新表的主键字段或DELETE数据时,如果遇到ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - child record found 这个是因为主外键关系,下面借助一个小列子来描述一下这个错误: SQL> create table student 1. 2 ( 1. 3 id number, 1. 4 name nvarchar2(12), 1. 5 constraint pk_student primary key(i...
在更新表的主键字段或DELETE数据时,如果遇到ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - child record found 这个是因为主外键关系,下面借助一个小列子来描述一下这个错误: SQL>createtablestudent 2 ( 3 id number, 4 name nvarchar2(12), 5constraintpk_studentprimarykey(id) 6 ); Tablecreated. QL>...
ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name; select * from all_constraints where owner = 'SCOTT' and constraint_name = 'SYS_
1 integrity constraint violated - parent key not found (i'm new to Oracle) 1 ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found 3 Error report - ORA-02291: integrity constraint violated - parent key not found 0 SQL Integrity constraint-Parent key not found ...
java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SYSTEM.JV_SNAPSHOT_GLOBAL_ID_FK) violated - parent key not found"JV_SNAPSHOT_GLOBAL_ID_FK is the foreign key constraint name of "GLOBAL_ID_FK" column of JV_SNAPSHOT table which is linked to...
简介:在更新表的主键字段或DELETE数据时,如果遇到ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - child record found 这个是因为主外键关系,下面借助一个小列子来描述一下这个错误: SQL> create table studen... 在更新表的主键字段或DELETE数据时,如果遇到ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - ...
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '23', or under vendor-specified conditions. This indicates that an integrity constraint (foreign key, primary key or unique key) has been violated. Please consult your driver vendor documentation for the vendor-specified ...
ORA-02292:integrity constraint(xx) violated - child record found 外键关联,无法删除记录 经常我们在删除DB记录时,会为外键关联而无法删除数据感到苦恼。这里个人经常用到的一个方法就是,先让关联主键失效,然后再删除数据,数据删除完成后,再让其主 键生效,这样很好的解决了删除级联数据难的问题。