A St. Louis native, she moved to Charlotte in 2002 to pursue Family Medicine residency training, and Charlotte quickly became home. After completing residency, she went on to complete a Faculty Development Fellowship at UNC Chapel Hill. She has additional training in Integrative Medicine. Dr...
and children to create an individualized treatment plan that allows you to regain balance and health in body, mind, and spirit. Our practice is now located in Black Mountain, NC, and look forward to serving Western NC people. ServingAsheville,Black Mountain,Charlotte,Greensboro,The Triangle Area...
Lake Norman Integrative Wellness provides comprehensive Functional Medicine and brain-based solutions for you to take charge of your health. Call Today!
Primary motivations for the development of a broad-spectrum approach stem from the distinct limitations that are evident in many current targeted therapies and the personalized medicine paradigm. Molecular target therapies represent a significant advance in the treatment of cancer. They include drugs such...
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