(2009). On the psychology of the uncertain self and the integration of the worldview defense zoo. Psychological Inquiry, 20, 252-261.van den Bos, K. (2009). On the psychology of the uncertain self and the integration of the worldview defense zoo. Psychological Inquiry, 20, 252-261....
FionaPatterson, inEncyclopedia of Applied Psychology, 2004 6Leadership Since the early 1980s, several independent studies have identified a range of leadership behaviors that enhance employee innovation. These behaviors include encouragement of risk taking, an open style of communication, a participative ...
Integration of Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience in Studies on Aging and Other Research Fields Lars-Göran Nilsson (Department of Psychology, Stockholm University and Stockholm Brain Institute, Sweden) I am happy to present a series of articles in this issue of Acta Psychologica Sinica...
Finally, this chapter provides an overview of the following chapters that have been prepared by some of the world’s leading authorities on survival psychology, human physiology associated with immersion in cold water, emergency breathing systems, helicopter safety equipment, physiological responses to ...
Narrative therapy is a prominent modality in the field of psychotherapy and is firmly rooted in narrative (Bruner 1990; McAdams 2001; Polkinghorne 1991) and developmental psychology theories which emphasize the pivotal role of the personal narrative in an individual’s developmental trajectory (Erikson ...
Parallel Processing of the Sex and Familiarity of Faces. Canadian Journal of Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie 41, 510–520, 10.1037/H0084165 (1987). Article CAS Google Scholar Freeman, J. B., Rule, N. O., Adams, R. B., Jr. & Ambady, N. The neural basis of categorical ...
These findings challenge the longstanding assumption that perception of synchrony is a prerequisite to multisensory integration, support a more flexible view of multisensory integration, and suggest a complex, reciprocal relationship between temporal and multisensory processing....
Magda Arnold (1903鈥 2002) is well known for her research on emotions, motivation, and memory from a neurological, physiological, and psychological point of view. However, her works in the field of the anthropological foundations of personality are less known and discussed. The present study ...
Public health, on the other hand, has focused on influencing the allocation of resources for the common good by applying scientific and technical expertise. In this article, I introduce the Four-I model—interaction, integration, interconnectivity, and iteration—as a new resource-based view model...
British Journal of Educational Studies, 48 (3) (2000), pp. 248-268 CrossrefGoogle Scholar Carr, 1991 Carr, D. (1991) Educating the Virtues. An Essay on the Philosophical Psychology of Moral Development and Education, London: Routledge,.(Chapter 5). Google Scholar Carr and Kemmis, 1988 W...