What is the primitive of sinx/cos^2x? Homework Statement ∫e^(-x)(1-tanx)secx dx 2. Attempt at a solution I know ∫e^x(f(x)+f'(x))=e^x f(x) and I intuitively know f(x) could be secx here and therefore f'(x) will be secxtanx but I can't figure out how to reach ...
1、Chapter 4 Integration4.1 Indefinite Integrals Indefinite Integrals An indefinite integral of f(x) represent an entirely family of functions whose derivative is f(x) and is denoted bydxxf)()()(xFdxxfThen:means )()(xfxFExample 1:xxd34Cx313Because34)3(31xCxdxdExample 2:.dcossin22xxxxx d...