The scaling factor, the region-specific and the per gene dispersion parameters are optimized directly (this is in contrast to the original implementation of scVI in which library size was modeled using a lognormal distribution). Next, for each cell, normalized gene frequencies ρcg, accessibility ...
Distribution of range of Uniform (0,1)(0,1) distribution Ask Question Asked 6 years, 4 months ago Modified 5 years ago Viewed 5k times 4 Let X1,...,XnX1,...,Xn be iid as U∼[0,1]U∼[0,1] with pdf f(x)=1(0<x<1)f(x)=1(0<x<1). Determine the range distribution...
For technological, economic, and environmental reasons, renewable distributed generators (RDGs) have been extensively used in distribution networks. This paper presents an effective approach for technoeconomic analysis of optimal allocation of REDGs considering the uncertainties of the system. The primary ...
The optimal integration of photovoltaic generation systems is a challenge for distribution utilities since these devices have a direct impact on company finances due to the large amount of investment required at the beginning of the planning project. In this investigation, the problem regarding the opt...
As with normal Spring EL expressions, Thymeleaf allows you to access a series of objects from them including the context variables map (the#varsobject). In fact, you are allowed to surround your access expression with${...}if it makes you feel more comfortable: ...
Integration of single-cell RNA sequencing data between different samples has been a major challenge for analyzing cell populations. However, strategies to integrate differential expression analysis of single-cell data remain underinvestigated. Here, we b
SVM, a typical machine learning approach, was used to solve the problem of binary classification like discrimination of normal and abnormal samples [22]. Finally, both extracted qualitative and quantitative features were organized as a new dataset for SVM modeling. Compared with PCC analysis and ...
Rapidly convergent results can be obtained in these cases, since the lognormal distribution can be used to provide a good approximation to the actual function to be integrated, by suitable choice of the two arbitrary parameters. Two examples are given for integrals with known solutions....
The level of each signal pulse varied randomly around masked threshold according to a Gaussian distribution. The slopes of conditional psychometric functions--plotted in terms of d'2 as a function of the squared signal-pulse intensity for pulses in a particular temporal position--yielded estimates ...