a developer must not interfere with the existing source code. He can create a new microservice, being a separate spring boot application. Then, implementing necessary interfaces achieves opportunity to integrate the newly created microservice with Abixen Platform structure. Finally, a business administra...
使用IDEA快速搭建基于Maven的SpringBoot项目(集成使用Redis) 迫于好久没写博客心慌慌,随便写个简单版的笔记便于查阅。 新建项目 新建项目 然后起名 继续next netx finish。 首先附上demo的项目结构图 配置pom.xml 构建demo目录结构 application.properties改成application.yml格式的配置文件 UserD...[windows] win7建立wi...
Error bars represent the 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. 4. Discussion 4.1. Comparison of the Supervised and Unsupervised Procedures Both the supervised and the unsupervised map classification procedures resulted in maps of the study area with the same general configurations; both maps identified ...
(BIM) approaches with blockchain-based smart contracts. Thereby, parts of traditional construction contracts are transferred to a smart contract. The smart contract is set up using digital BIM-based tender documents and contains all of the relevant data for financial transactions. Once the contracted...