For integrals consisting of rational functions of sine and cosine a set of little known rules known as the Bioche rules are considered. The rules, which consist of testing the differential form of the integral for invariance under one of three simple substitutions , and , allow one to decide ...
This paper proposes an arithmetic optimization algorithm that integrates the sine-cosine strategy to address the problems of low solution accuracy, slow convergence speed, and easy fall into local optima in arithmetic optimization algorithms. The algorithm adaptively ...
The two outputs generated are intended to avoid the phenomena of pulling of one output by the other. Typically two input signals are fed to an oscillator (14) and sine/cosine generator (11) and to a complementary voltage generator and an oscillator. The resulting pairs of signals are passed...
An effective hybrid approach based on arithmetic optimization algorithm and sine cosine algorithm for integrating battery energy storage system into distribution networksHussein Abdel-Mawgoud aAhmed Fathy b cSalah Kamel a
The two outputs generated are intended to avoid the phenomena of pulling of one output by the other. Typically two input signals are fed to an oscillator (14) and sine/cosine generator (11) and to a complementary voltage generator and an oscillator. The resulting pairs of signals are passed...
orthogonalization—a function designed to determine orthogonal components of the signal, which are facilitating the calculation of the criterion value of the protection. In the developed model, full-term window cosine and sine filters were used, which is the solution most often implemented in real PS...