1、我一开始以为可以在设置里面取消terminal控制台的颜色高亮什么的,但是发现设置里只有控制台的字体等其他的,就是没有关于背景什么的 2、然后我发现控制台的终端就是powershell,然后我就去将powershell变成黑底白字 3、本来应该是可以的了,但是有可能存在着很大的延迟,于是我就把vs code的配置文件给删除了,重新来...
VScode的集成终端Integratedterminal的颜⾊问题 其实是默认终端的配⾊问题在使⽤vs code时,运⾏代码时,控制台是这样⼦的,搞得我很难受 ⼀块⼀块的 其实是默认终端的配⾊问题 默认终端⼀般是powershell,还可以是cmd,或者git base 解决办法: 将默认终端调成⿊底⽩字就⾏了(不管...
意思是原来的terminal.integrated.shell.windows配置方式已经不再支持, 要修改文件路径: .vscode\settings.json "terminal.integrated.shell.windows":"xx/ESP/msys32/msys2_shell.cmd", //不支持的配置"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": ["-defterm","-mingw32","-no-start","-here"],"terminal.integra...
Use the VS Code integrated terminal to run commands and applications on your remote compute instance. Debug your scripts and applications Use VS Code to manage your Git repositoriesRemote Jupyter Notebook serverThis option allows you to use a compute instance as a remote Jupyter Notebook server fr...
Issue Type: Bug Hi, The letter spacing for the integrated terminal is all messed up after an update. I have tried rolling back to an older version as well as resetting any font settings but nothing has worked so far to fix it. VS Code ve...
VS Code version: Version: 1.78.1 (Universal) Commit: 6a995c4 Date: 2023-05-04T09:57:42.343Z Electron: 22.5.1 Chromium: 108.0.5359.215 Node.js: 16.17.1 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 22.4.0 Sandboxed: No Earlier I opened terminal in specific repository using this button...
This example is using the Powerlevel10K oh-my-zsh theme and Cascadia Code PL font. Getting started with the integrated terminal The new terminal is included in the latest preview version of Visual Studio for Mac 8.6. To use it, you’ll need to switch to the Preview channel. Once you’...
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": ["-l"] is deprecated. I personally wanted to use .bash_profile, so I made a .bashrc with this: if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bash_profile fi And then I had to do a full computer restart (just restarting VS code didn't work). ...
You can open an integrated terminal window in Visual Studio for Mac, starting at the root of your solution. The terminal can be useful for different kinds of situations – running front-end tasks (for example: npm, ng, or vue), managing containers, running advanced git commands, executing ...
Use theVS Code integrated terminalto run commands and applications on your remote compute instance. Debug your scripts and applications Use VS Code to manage your Git repositories Remote Jupyter Notebook server This option allows you to use a compute instance as a remote Jupyter Notebook server fr...