Revealing the interplay between virus and host cells in metabolic facet is of great importance both for unraveling the pathogenesis mechanisms and providing novel antiviral targets. This study took advantage of the integration analysis of metabolomics and transcriptomics to depict the metabolic profiles of...
Purpose This study integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics to reveal the mechanism by which JQJT improves T2DM. Methods The T2DM mouse model was established, and the effects of JQJT on improving T2DM were evaluated by determining the levels of blood lipids, fasting blood glucose (FBG), insulin...
Integratedtranscriptomicsandmetabolomicsanalysesprovideinsightsintocoldstressresponseinwheat YongZhaoa(1)MengZhoua(b)1(KeXua)JiahaoLia,ShanshanLia,ShuhuaZhanga,XuejuYanga,⁎aHuabeiKeyLaboratoryofCropGermplasm,HebeiAgriculturalUniversity,Baoding071000(Hebei)ChinabCollegeofLifeSciences,HebeiUniversity,Baoding071000(Hebei...
The structured gene’s temporal and spatial expression also are regulated by transcription factors. It has been reported that the MBW complex of R2R3-MYB, bHLH (basic-helix-loop-helix) and WD40 proteins regulate the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway at the transcriptional expression. The MYB transcri...
senescing leaves17. In recent years, studies combining transcriptomics and metabolomics have been successfully used to research the biosynthesis pathway of medicinally important active ingredients in plants18,19, to study the fruit ripening and disease resistance of tomato20,21, to elucidate molecular ...
flavonoid metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses were performed on mulberry seeds germinated under 50 and 100 mmol/L NaCl stress. Analysis of the flavonoid metabolome revealed that a total of 145 differential flavonoid metabolites (DFMs) were classified into 9 groups, 40 flavonols, 32 flavones, 16...
The objectives of this study were to reveal the anthocyanin biosynthesis metabolic pathway in white and purple flowers of Salvia miltiorrhiza using metabolomics and transcriptomics, to identify different anthocyanin metabolites, and to analyze the differ
Therefore, in order to comprehensively investigate the disease and stress mechanisms of organisms, and precisely study the expression patterns and regulatory mechanisms of important genes, only by integrating transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data and conducting multifaceted studies on biological ...
Panax japonicus is an important medicinal plant, and flavonoids are one of its main secondary metabolites. In this study, the main roots, fibrous roots, stems, leaves and flowers of P. japonicus were analyzed using transcriptomics and widely targeted metabolomics. Through correlation analysis of ...
Integrated transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal the toxic mechanisms of mercury exposure to an endangered species Tachypleus tridentatus doi:10.1016/j.etap.2023.104345Endangered speciesTachypleus tridentatusMercury pollutionOmicsToxic mechanismsMercury (Hg) pollution is threatening the health of endangered ...