INTEGRATED MARINE OBSERVING SYSTEM - IMoS:海洋综合观测系统的IMOS,IMOS,imos 文档格式: .docx 文档大小: 2.0M 文档页数: 101页 顶/踩数: 0 / 0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文 -- 毕业论文 文档标签: IMOS imos 系统标签: imos marine observing 观测系统 integrated ...
The Australian Integrated Marine Observing System: Delivering Data Streams to Address National and International Research Priorities. Marine Technology Society Journal 44:65-72.Hill, K., Moltmann, T., Proctor, R., and Allen, S.: The Australian integrated marine observing system: Delivering...
Suitability of the Southern Australia Integrated Marine Observing System’s (SA-IMOS) HF-Radar for operational forecastingThe IMOS HF-Radar array in South Australia provides observations of the ocean waters south of Spencer Gulf. In addition to ocean surface currents, the data from this array can ...
INTEGRATED MARINE OBSERVING SYSTEM - IMoS:海洋综合观测系统的 热度: JournalofOonghuaUniversity(Eng.Ed.) Vo!.26。No.5(2009) 499 IntelligentDataPre—processingModelinIntegratedOceanObserving NetworkSystem HANHua(韩 华)一,DINGYong·sheng(T~ )孙,LIUFeng.ming(刘凤鸣)。
The Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, ),an AUD $150 m 7-year project (2007–2013), is a distributed set ofequipment and data-information services which, among many applications,collectively contribute to meeting the needs of mari... R Proctor,K Roberts,BJ Ward - 《Advances in Geosci...
Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is entering its second decade of operation, with data streams developing and growing and long-term time series of key variables being built. Although IMOS was established under an Australian government research infrastructure program to deliver ocean...
Australia聮s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, is research infrastructure to establish an enduring observing program for Australian oceanic waters and shelf seas. The observations cover physical, biological, and chemical variables to address themes of multi-decadal ocean change, ...
Proctor, R., Roberts, K., Ward, B.J.: A Data Delivery System for IMOS, the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System. Adv. Geosci. 28, 11–16, :10.5194/adgeo-28-11-2010Proctor, R., Roberts, K., and Ward, B. J.: A data delivery system for IMOS, the Australian Integrated...
澳大利亚沼泽地节点评估TheIntegratedMarineObservingSystem(IMOS)isanAustraliannationalprogramforobservingtheoceansaroundAustralia. Asoneofitsimportantnodes,theNewSouthWalesIntegratedMarineObservingSystem(NSW‐IMOS)aimstoprovidemore accuratedescriptionsoftheEastAustralianCurrent(EAC).Thepurposeofthispaperistoevaluatethe...
The author discusses the information of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and its significance to commercial fishing in Australia. The author mentions IMOS's benefits to the country's commercial fisheries including fishery management improvement and fishing efficiency and safety enhancement. ...