He is a Retired Chief Clinical Officer at Omnicell and Professor Emeritus at University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy as well as a Pharm. D. from Wayne State University. He was the Chief Pharmacy Officer at the University of Michigan Health System....
This classification contains a comprehensive and meaningful description of the terms of this domain which can be applied to eventually formalize an ontology based on the specification of the system (scope and purpose). The ontological analysis allowed for the development of a decimal systematic notation...
According to estimates elaborated by the AISS and Regione Puglia (2019), approximately 80% of the olive orchards do not comply with the eligibility requirements imposed by the RDP of the Apulia Region 2014–2020. As far as the Extraordinary Plan is concerned, the bulk of funding for the resto...
patients with limb-onset ALS tend to progress more slowly than those with bulbar-onset ALS who typically succumb within two years of diagnosis1. The pathological hallmark of ALS is TDP-43 proteinopathy, which
2.3. Eligibility criteria The specific eligibility criteria were prepared for this SLR. The search began by mapping the title into a general listing comprising three groupings obtained from previous literature. After removing duplicates, the articles were scrutinized further using pre-determined exclusion...
arguments and abuse. Our eligibility rate of men approached was low (7%), however it is important to note that often the researchers did not get the opportunity to discuss the study in detail with potential participants in waiting rooms. Forty-two percent (42.2%) of the men approached for ...
Methods Eligibility Criteria We aimed to include all RCTs that evaluated integrated behavioral health and primary care medical treatment for youth. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) evaluation of integrated care for behavioral health conditions relative to usual care (defined as primary care trea...
Patient eligibility criteria Eligible patients were aged X18 years, with a histological or cytological diagnosis of locally advanced pancreatic adenocarci- noma of the head or body of the pancreas, deemed inoperable by their surgeon. Locoregional disease was confirmed by dual-phase computed tomography ...
(control) to a complex, primary care practice-level intervention comprising: (1) creation of an asthma at-risk register, (2) online eLearning training for practice staff, (3) Computerised Decision Support System (CDSS) involving flagging of at-risk patients’ records to prompt agreed actions ...
First, the potential participant’s physician will provide clearance for participation by reviewing eligibility for the study and signing a referral form. If the participant has cognitive impairment, the physician will confirm whether the potential participant would be able to participate if a ...