We present, a new direct phase imaging technique, called Integrated Differential Phase Contrast (iDPC) STEM, which enables live imaging of the phase of the transmission function of thin samples and was recently introduced. Unlike the mentioned techniques this new technique uses a normal STEM ...
00:00 00:00 480P 倍速 默认音效 返回 2022年1月4日发布
A sequential filtering algorithm is presented for attitude and attitude-rate estimation from Global Positioning System (GPS) differential carrier phase measurements. A third-order, minimal-parameter method for solving the attitude matrix kinematic equation is used to parameterize the filter's state, which...
本文针对两单元并联集成三相交直流变流电路,推导出其在正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)下的一般仿射方程.通过微 分同调原理得到了降阶化简的判定条件和主要等值参数算法.通过混沌分析的轨迹图描述了系统参数与不同条件 的关系,并针对该电路进行特征值计算,证实该方法可以回避特征值的直接求解而降阶系统.最后,根据上述参数进 行仿真...
研究点推荐 Integrated Common and Differential Mode Filter Capacitor-Voltage Feedforward Active Damping Single-Phase Transformerless PV Inverters single-phase grid-connected transformerless PV inverters 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务...
This paper proposes a single-stage three-phase modular flyback differential inverter (MFBDI) for medium/high power solar PV grid-integrated applications. The proposed inverter structure consists of parallel modules of flyback DC-DC converters based on the required power level. The MFBDI offers many...