This results in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less expensive than those constructed of discrete components, allowing a large transistor count. 参考译文:集成电路(也称为IC、芯片或微芯片)是在一片小而平的半导体材料(通常是硅)上集成了一系列电子电路。大量的微型晶体管和其他...
An electronic pulse characteristics evaluation circuit has a chain of integrated circuits (D1-n) with outputs connected through clocked (CLK) memory (B1-n) measurement circuit to an analysis circuit (1) counting the number of outputs reset. Includes Independent claims for multiplexer and group conn...
An electronic pulse characteristics evaluation circuit has a chain of integrated circuits (D1-n) with outputs connected through clocked (CLK) memory (B1-n) measurement circuit to an analysis circuit (1) counting the number of outputs reset. Includes Independent claims for multiplexer and group ...
In this paper, a controllable hybrid plasmonic integrated circuit (CHPIC) composed of hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPW)-based rhombic nano-antenna, polarization beam splitter, coupler, filter, and sensor has been designed and investigated for the first ti
However, this is time-consuming and costly because of the need to design test circuits and perform accelerated testing and data analysis. Moreover, it is difficult if not impossible to experimentally determine the SER characteristics of the large number of different types of logic cell designs ...
Analog hardware-based training provides a promising solution to developing state-of-the-art power-hungry artificial intelligence models. Non-volatile memory hardware such as resistive random access memory (RRAM) has the potential to provide a low power a
There is continuing interest in optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) because their characteristics of high-performance, small size and high levels of integration make them ideal candidates in optical communication systems, optical interconnections and emerging photonic integrated circuits (Kumar and Deen...
An integrated circuit provided with at least one field- programmable element matrix which is reduced in size and improved in an electrical characteristics is disclosed. The circuit is characterized in that the matrix is physically divided into at least two separate parts, at least a part of a lo...
VCharacteristics of Analog VLSI Circuits Over time there has been an increasing emphasis on the development of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits for use in analog signal processing, as opposed to the more traditional discrete types of circuits constructed from collections of many small scal...
When considering the integration of multiple vertically actuated devices in larger circuits, the individual movable waveguide sections need to be isolated from each other to prevent short circuits or actuation of other devices in a circuit. Consequently, the tunable coupler device design is based on ...