Function Repository: NumericalIntegralApproximation PaduaIntegrate NDerivative GaussianQuadratureWeights NewtonCotesWeights ModifiedGaussianQuadratureWeights ChebyshevQuadratureAbscissas ClenshawCurtisQuadratureWeights FejerQuadratureWeights技术笔记Wolfram 语言中的高等数值积分 数值运算 数值积分 数值和、连乘与积分 Wolfram...
Wolfram Community forum discussion about Speed up Nintegrate for certain range of function's input. Stay on top of important topics and build connections by joining Wolfram Community groups relevant to your interests.
积分规则通常使用加权和对一个区域上的积分进行估值. 对于 NIntegrate 的用法而言,一个积分规则对象既进行积分估计,也进行误差估计,作为积分估计准确性的测量手段. 下面的一般说明与诸如 "GaussKronrodRule" 和 "MultidimensionalRule" 一类的加权总和类型积分规则相关.
Neural Networks ( is a tool to train, visualize, and validate neural network models. It supports a comprehensive set of neural network structures in the Mathematica environment. This talk first gives a very short overview of the package and then...