Oma PDF-failide ja digiallkirjadega seotud töövoogude sujuv integratsioon Google Drive'iga säästab rohkelt aega. Kasutades teenust Acrobat Sign Solutions koos Workdayga saate oma tööpakkumised,konfidentsiaalsuse kokkulepedning muud personalijuhtimise dokumendid kiiresti ja turvalis...
# 14. Osseointegração precoce de implantes dentais com potencial hidrofílico: estudo em cãesAim: The present study aimed to evaluate Vickers Hardness (VHN) and elastic modulus (E) of peri-implant bone with dynamic indentation at different implant locations. Methods: A total of ten ...
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SIADBDD: An integrated tool to design distributed databases SIADBDD: Una herramienta integrada de ayuda al diseo de bases de datos distribuidas 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者:AR Morffi,CEG González,W Lemahieu,Luisa Manuela González González ...
OsseointegraçãoImplantes DentáriosCirurgia BucalOdontologiathe success of dental implant osseointegration depends on the right surgical-prosthodontic protocol, implant design and material properties. because of the many implant systems availables in the market with different material and designs it is ...
DISEÑO DE UNA METODOLOGÍA PARA LA GESTIÓN INTEGRADA DE LOS FACTORES CLAVE DE LA EXCELENCIA CORPORATIVA.In a world with a high level of uncertainty, the concept of business management is evolving and acquiring new dimensions. The companies that pursue excellence must be especially skillful ...
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项目名称:INTEGRA品牌枪头等采购项目项目采购结果公示 公示结束时间:2024-09-11 16:02:19 项目经办人:吕炳旺 成交金额:19002.00 项目预算:20100.00 采购方式:阳光采购平台公开询价 联系电话:53852866 成交供应商地址:北京市丰台区西四环南路46号28层3210 申请部门:生物制品检定所肝炎和肠道病毒疫苗室 成...
项目名称:INTEGRA 300ml 加样槽采购项目项目采购结果公示 公示结束时间:2024-12-23 15:54:06 项目经办人:吕炳旺 成交金额:6260.00 项目预算:8000.00 采购方式:阳光采购平台公开询价 联系电话:53852866 成交供应商地址:北京市丰台区西四环南路46号28层3210 申请部门:生物制品检定所呼吸道病毒疫苗室 成...
Title - MERCOSUR - Página oficial SEO信息 全网流量总和:0 IP 百度PC来路:0 IP 百度移动来路:0 IP 百度PC权重: 移动权重: ALEXA排名 世界排名:0 预估日均IP≈0 预估日均PV≈0 www.mercosur.int页面TDK信息 标题(Title) 26个字符 (一般不超过80字符) MERCOSUR - Página oficial 关键词(...