the learning app and download the app to explore interesting videos. maths related links differential calculus calculus limits and continuity fundamental theorem of calculus derivative of a function- calculus integral calculus methods of integration application of integrals class 12 integrals class 12 ...
More precisely, there is a set of master integrals \{b_n\}_M defined as a class of Feynman graphs such that any given graph b_n, giving rise to integrals \Phi _R^D(b_n)_\nu (s,s_0,\{m_e^2\})—so with all its corresponding tensor integrals and arbitrary integer powers of ...
In Calculus, the two important processes are differentiation and integration. We know that differentiation is finding thederivative of a function, whereas integration is the inverse process of differentiation. Here, we are going to discuss the important component of integration called “integrals” here...
2 . the class of functions considered here are of the form $$\begin{aligned} \varphi (s) = \frac{\prod \nolimits _{j=1}^{m} \gamma \left( a_{j}+a_{j}s\right) }{\prod \nolimits _{j=1}^{n}\gamma \left( b_{j}+b_{j}s\right) }\frac{\prod \nolimits _{j=1}^...
It is necessary to mention that these ladder operators satisfy (6) only for a particular class of shape invariant systems and in general, the 2-dimensional system , obtained from a given master function, is not a superintegrable system. In other words, we cannot obtain 2-dimensional super...
There exists a method, called the staircase method, to construct integrals for a certain class of ordinary difference equations. This method was introduced in [16, 17] and generalised in [20, 23, 24]. Integrals were obtained for ordinary difference equations (O Es), derived as travelling wave...
A. Pivovarov, On the evaluation of a certain class of Feynman diagrams in x-space: Sunrise-type topologies at any loop order, Annals Phys. 322 (2007) 2374 [hep-ph/0506286] [INSPIRE]. Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, ...
Bucataru, I., Constantinescu, O.A., Creţu, G.: A class of Finsler metrics admitting first integrals. J. Geom Phys. 166, 104254 (2021) Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Bucataru, I., Dahl, M.: Semi-basic 1-forms and Helmholtz conditions for the inverse problem of the calculus of...
Abstract We establish certain new fractional integral inequalities involving the Raina function for monotonicity of functions that are used with some traditional and forthright inequalities. Taking into consideration the generalized fractional integral with respect to a monotone function, we derive the Grüss...
We discuss Feynman-like rules for writing Mellin amplitudes for a large class of integrals in any dimension, and find explicit representations for several familiar toy integrals. However we show that the power of Mellin space is that it provides simple representations even for fully massive ...