We illustrate a rigorous approach to express the totally symmetric isotropic tensors of arbitrary rank in the n-dimensional Euclidean space as a linear combination of products of Kronecker deltas. By making full use of the symmetries, one can greatly reduce the efforts to compute cumbersome angular...
along the description of CETO's and their alternative forms: spherical exponential type orbitals (SETO's), laplace exponential type orbitals (LETO's), well-oriented CETO's (WO-CETO's), and elementary CETO (E-CETO's), have been also defined: Logical Kronecker delta and nested summation symbo...
For approximating the solution of partial differential equations (PDE), meshless methods have been introduced to alleviate the difficulties arising in mesh generation using the conventional Finite Element Method (FEM). Many meshless methods introduced lack the Kronecker delta property making them inefficient...
(which are almost always integrals containing one or more functions of the integrating argument) what the ordinary partial derivative operator does to functions, except that: @xi @xj F (x) F (y) = = ij (the Kronecker delta) 4(x y) (the Dirac delta) Believe it or not, the quantity ...
If p=\infty , the space of weighted continuous functions is defined as [Math Processing Error] in the case when \gamma , \delta > 0. If \gamma =0 (respectively \delta =0) L^\infty _{u} consists of all functions which are continuous on (-1,1] (respectively [-1,1)) and such ...
点插值法与其他无网格方法不同的是采用多项式近似来构造形函数,这种形函数具有Kroneckerdelta函数的特性,因此,易于施加本质边界条件。 2. This design dispenses with Rom,which mainly limits the design of DDS,but use SIN function polynomial approximation directly generating. 多项式近似方法采用流水线结构,并利用...
Essential boundary conditions are imposed directly due to the Kronecker delta-function property of the boundary elements' interpolation functions. After the numerical evaluation of all boundary integrals, a banded stiffness matrix is constructed, as in the finite elements method. Several potential and ...
All of these approximation functions satisfy the Kronecker delta property. In this paper, we report that meshfree RPP shape functions, patchwise RPP shape functions, and patchwise RSP shape functions effectively handle boundary integral equations with (or without) domain singularities....
The method is developed based on the moving kriging interpolation method for constructing shape functions which have the Kronecker delta property. In the method, the test function in each sub-domain is chosen as the indicator function. The Crank–Nicolson method is chosen for temporal discretization...