I want to find an integral of a matrix: T=[2 -sqrt(3) -1]'; R=[0.0042 -0.0755]; I=eye(3); A=diag([7, 5, 2.05]'); B=[1 1 1]'; F=[-30.6722 17.8303 -0.3775]; fun=@(x) T*F*inv(exp(i*x)*I-A-B*F)*B*R*R'*B'*inv(exp(i*x)*I-A-B*F)'*F'*T'; ...
definite integral- the integral of a function over a definite interval integral- the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
摘要: This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the generalized inverse of an integral matrix to be integral. Also, additional conditions are found for the product of two integral matrices with this property to have that same property....
MPSImageCopyToMatrix MPSImageDescriptor MPSImageDilate MPSImageDivide MPSImageEdgeMode MPSImageErode MPSImageEuclideanDistanceTransform MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat MPSImageFindKeypoints MPSImageGaussianBlur MPSImageGaussianPyramid MPSImageGuidedFilter MPSImageHistogram MPSImageHistogramEqualization MPSImageHistogramInfo MP...
Integrand, specified as a function handle, which defines the function to be integrated fromxmintoxmax. For scalar-valued problems, the functiony = fun(x)must accept a vector argument,x, and return a vector result,y. This generally means thatfunmust use array operators instead of matrix operat...
We examine a possible extension of the matrix integral representation of knot invariants beyond the class of torus knots. In particular, we study a representation of the SU (2) quantum Racah coefficients by double matrix integrals. We find that the Racah coefficients are mapped to expansion coeffi...
An efficient implementation of matrix transpose can be found in CUDA C SDK (“transpose” code sample). Performing a scan for all rows/columns is a slightly different task compared with scanning of a single array. Launching scan height times to do scans of the image rows is not an efficient...
Integral equations (IEs) are functional equations where the indeterminate function appears under the sign of integration1. The theory of IEs has a long history in pure and applied mathematics, dating back to the 1800s, and it is thought to have started with Fourier’s theorem2. Another early...
Using the Dunford–Taylor integral and a representation formula for the resolvent of a non-singular complex matrix, we find the logarithm of a non-singular complex matrix applying the Cauchy’s residue theorem if the matrix eigenvalues are known or a cir
Evaluate Double Integral of Parameterized Function with Specific Method and Error Tolerance Create the anonymous parameterized functionf(x,y)=ax2+by2with parametersa=3andb=5. a = 3; b = 5; fun = @(x,y) a*x.^2 + b*y.^2;