The paper is concerned with solving a system of hyperbolic first order equations under integral constraints instead of initial conditions. The hyperbolic systems under consideration are linear, but have discontinuous coefficients. The main result here consists in finding the sufficient solvability conditions...
Integral operators and the first initial boundary value problem for pseudoparabolic equations with analytic coefficientsdoi:10.1016/0022-0396(73)90009-0DavidColtonSDOSJournal of Differential EquationsD. L. Colton, “Integral operators and the first initial-boundary value problems for pseudoparabolic ...
摘要: InitialValueProblemforaGeneralizedKorteweg-deVriesEquationwithSingularIntegral-DifferentialTermsZhangLingai(张领海)(InstituteofA...关键词: Initial Value Problem Korteweg-de Vries Equation Singular IntegralDifferential Term DOI: CNKI:SUN:DBSX.0.1994-01-006 ...
guest_idCollects data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, with the purpose of personalising and improving the Twitter service. Maximum Storage Duration: 400 daysType: HTTP Cookie guest...
In addition, by using the trapezoidal rule, the contraction condition for the integral operator also guarantees the convergence of the numerical approximations. Secondly, the choice of the trapezoidal scheme makes the method easy to use and implement since most mathematical software have this rule ...
长期运动对障碍物穿越太极集团(TCG)的支撑脚策略4.1特效用一个较长的脚趾距离(TD)和较高的初始垂直地面反作用力(vgrf)装载有较高的脚后跟内侧压力 - 时间积分(PTI)中的障碍物交叉过程中的支撑脚。而行走组(WG)的支撑脚vgrf在试验中保持不变,公共运输交汇处显著在前脚区域增加。
Initial alignment in the presence of large misalignment angles is a critical issue in strapdown inertial navigation systems. The large initial misalignment angle adversely affects the accuracy and rapidness of the alignment process. In this paper a novel robust alignment approach is proposed based on ...
based on we consider the more general initial problem of the fol-lowing two classes of the nonlinear Schodinger system of equations with the integral pairing method.Problem 1where r is real number, q(s), k_(i j) (x,t), i, j=1, 2 are real functions.Problem 2 wherer 纬 is real...
We are concerned with the existence of solutions. Our technique is based on the Green's function, the maximum principle, integral representation of solutions.Keywords. parabolic problems; integral representation of solutions; maximumprinciples; nonlocal initial conditions.AMS (MOS) Subject Classi......
The problem of the synthesis of proportional-integrating (PI) and proportional-integral-differentiating (PID) controllers in a nonstandard formulation is considered. For a linear one-dimensional control object with nonzero initial conditions, it is required to find a controller that is optimal in the...