We consider almost complex structures that arise naturally in a particular class of principal fibre bundles, where the choice of a connection can be used to determine equivariant isomorphisms between the vertical and horizontal tangent bundles of the total space. For instance, such data always exist...
We consider principal fibre bundles with a given connection and construct almost complex structures on the total space if the adjoint bundle is isomorphic to the tangent bundle of the base. We derive the integrability condition. If the structure group is compact, then a choice of an ad-invariant...
and resolving them has become urgent, as they stand at the top of the tree of integrable systems: knowing their resolution would imply the resolution of similar questions for the degenerate cases, which comprises almost all i...
Maximally non-integrableh-principleDolbeault cohomologyFrölicher spectral sequenceSelecta Mathematica - We study almost complex structures with lower bounds on the rank of the Nijenhuis tensor. Namely, we show that they satisfy an h-principle. As a consequence, all......
Monge-Ampere equationalmost complex manifoldsCalabi-Yau theoremWe show existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Monge-Ampere equation on compact almost complex manifolds with non-integrable almost complex structure.Chu, JianchunTosatti, ValentinoWeinkove, Ben...
And we discuss partially integrable almost CR structures from the point of view of the deformation theory of CR structures ([A1],[AGL]).doi:10.1515/coma-2020-0124T. AkahoriDe GruyterComplex Manifolds
formidentity.Themethodcanbegeneralizedtoothersolitonhierarchy. PACSnumbers:02.30.Ik,02.20.Sv,05.45.Yv Keywords:thegeneralizedKaup–Newellhierarchy,integrablecouplings,spectralproblem 1Introduction Inthestudyofnonlinearscience,solitontheoryplays averyimportantroleandhasbeenappliedinalmostall thenaturalsciencesespecially...
Institute,AlikhanianBrothers2,Yerevan,375036Armenia. ‡ e-mail:babujian@lx2.yerphi.am,babujian@physik.fu-berlin.de § e-mail:karowski@physik.fu-berlin.de 1 1Introduction Morethanfiftyyearsago,Heisenberg[1]pointedouttheimportanceofstudyinganalytic continuationsofscatteringamplitudesintothecomplex...