Integer, Floating-point and Decimal Representation 1. 数据的二进制表示 1.1. 补码 1.2. 数据移动 1.2.1. 补码的具体计算 2. 浮点数操作 2.1. 浮点数 2.2. IEEE754标准 2.2.1. IEEE754标准要求 2.2.2. 计数法约定 2.2.3. 表示范围 2.2.4. 问题解决:表示靠近0的比较小的数字 2.2.5. 问题解决:特别大...
The flag values, also stored in registers, are set as the operation result(标记值也存储在寄存器中并且被标记为运算结果) The control unit provides signals that control the operation of the ALU and the movement of the data into and out of the ALU(控制单元提供控制ALU运算以及需要移入或者移出ALU...
Mathematical representation of radiality constraint in distribution system reconfiguration problem. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 2015, 64, 293–299. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Agudelo, L.; López-Lezama, J.M.; Muñoz-Galeano, N. Vulnerability assessment of power systems to intentional ...
3. Construction of the Integer–Reversible Krawtchouk Transform In this section, we propose an integer–reversible Krawtchouk transform (IRKT), which can be applied on integer data and generate integer Krawtchouk coefficients (integer- based representation), and its inverse IRKT can exactly restore ...
duilstcirpeltiiezre-dF rreeepMresoednitfiaetidonG aosd uarsdedT iinm [i1n4g].R ecovery The Godard algorithm is a technique that estimates the timing error of a signal with at least two samples per symbol based discretized representation on as frequency domain used in [1C4T...
Averaged periods successfully reduce Energies 2019, 12, 2825 3 of 27 the computing time but lead to an inferior representation of the time series [22,28]. Thus, the clustering of time series is preferred for reducing optimization complexity. Kotzur et al. [28] compared different clustering ...